Dear reader,

I was curious about people ever since I was a kid. People's behaviors , feelings, and thoughts never ceases to amaze me. To satisfy my curiosity, I learned social psychology, on my own. Deep and meaningful insights on human psychology has and will always be my thing.

On the side note, I was never a writer. Only a reader. Writing and chunking out pages of words feels tiring. Not a fan at all. I later found out that writing isn't about words. It's about getting your message across in a structured manner. It's about sharing what you know and how you feel to people who seek knowledge.

It's not long until I found my passion in copywriting. I once said to myself, "Since I have the knowledge of the human psyche, how about using it to make living and help businesses to make impact in the market" . I dove deeper into improving my writing skills and learning the art of selling.

Fast forward today, you're reading years of experience doing copywriting as well as marketing work for clients. And hundreds of hours of learning how to sell with words. I hope the content I publish on this platform will make an impact on your business.

Have a good day,


P.S. I'm open to copywriting project collaboration. If you're interested in working with me, visit my website ( for more info.

Editor of The Copy Wizard