HTML Vs XHTML: Which One Should You Use?

Nilesh Parashar
4 min readMay 16, 2023


The first website ever created was written in HTML, a markup language. Since this webpage’s inception, the HTML language has undergone numerous changes and variations, including the introduction of the idea of error handling, the addition of new features like a table, etc., ultimately leading to the development of XHTML.

Web and Android app development are common uses for both languages. Despite the fact that the two languages are essentially synonymous, there are significant variations in systems between both of them. Both HTML and XHTML are types of markup languages used to create websites. It’s an addition to HTML that makes the language even more regimented and stringent.

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What is HTML?

Hypertext Mark-up Language is shortened to HTML. It’s the standard for developing webpages and apps for the World Wide Web. Let’s dissect the methodology so we can fully grasp it:

  1. When we talk about hypertext, we’re talking about “text wrapped within a text.” It functions similarly to hyperlinks in that it conceals a link under the surface text.
  2. Language for marking up documents; not the same as a programming language. Instead, it’s utilised to provide structure to a plain text file. This results in language that is more engaging and lively.

What is XHTML?

  1. The abbreviation XHTML refers to the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language.
  2. XHTML is almost identical to HTML, however, it adheres to more stringent guidelines.
  3. It may be converted and formatted quickly and accurately and requires little maintenance.
  4. XHTML is supported by all popular browsers.

HTML and XHTML Features

Markup languages like HTML and XHTML are widely used for creating websites and software. When it comes to building websites, HTML is the markup language of choice, whereas XHTML is the stricter and more standardised variant. Multimedia, CSS, and scripting capabilities are just a few of the characteristics shared by HTML and XHTML.

  1. You can create dynamic online content and programmes in both HTML and XHTML. The following are some of the most often-used elements in HTML and XHTML.
  2. Multimedia file types are fully supported in both HTML and XHTML, including audio, video, and still photos. Moving pictures and graphics are supported in HTML as well.
  3. In terms of visual presentation, web pages written in either HTML or XHTML may be styled in a variety of ways. The most used style sheet language is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which may be used to apply formatting to both HTML and XHTML files.
  4. HTML and XHTML both support scripting languages like JavaScript and others. Websites and programmes may be made more dynamic with the use of scripting.
  5. The HTML and XHTML form element is a crucial part of any website. Users may submit information via a form, which can subsequently be processed by a script running on the server.
  6. HTML and XHTML’s support for tables is another useful feature. Tabular data, such as lists of products or prices, may be shown in tables.
  7. The use of links is fundamental to both HTML and XHTML. Users may hop from one page to another with the use of links.
  8. Metadata refers to details of a web page or document. The author, subject area, and summary may all be included.

Markup languages like HTML and XHTML are widely used for creating websites and software. Multimedia, CSS, and scripting capabilities are just a few of the characteristics shared by HTML and XHTML. When it comes to building websites, HTML is the markup language of choice, whereas XHTML is the stricter and more standardised variant.

Key Differences Between HTML and XHTML

Here are some of the main distinctions between HTML and XHTML:

  1. It is not necessary to close the tag, e.g. p>, in HTML, therefore we may have empty or open tags. If an XHTML tag like p> or br/> is opened, it must be closed or self-closed.
  2. All text to be displayed in a browser in HTML should be placed inside the body element. XHTML allows for material to be broken up into blocks.
  3. Attribute definitions in HTML do not need the use of quotation marks. Like, say, the chosen option>. Attribute definitions in XHTML must have quotation marks. Option selected=”Selected”>, for instance.
  4. Attribute values are treated with less weight in HTML. Example: a “selected” input type=”radiobutton”>. Attribute values are crucial in XHTML. Instances of this include input type=”radiobutton” selected=”selected”>.
  5. There are no hard and fast rules regarding the format of HTML components like p> and b>. It’s nice to meet you, everyone. There are very specific guidelines on how to write the structure of elements in XHTML. Examples: p>b>what’s up, folks?
  6. You have the option of using lowercase or uppercase when describing HTML elements and properties. Tags and attributes in XHTML must be specified using only lowercase characters.
  7. In HTML, a document may have many root elements. There should only ever be one root element in an XHTML page.
  8. HTML documents do not need an XML declaration. The foundation of XHTML is the XML specification.


Web pages and programmes may be written in either HTML or XHTML, both of which are markup languages. There are significant differences between HTML and XHTML, although they also have certain commonalities. Both HTML and XHTML are used to create apps for the web and mobile platforms like Android.

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Nilesh Parashar

I am a marketing and advertising student at Hinduja College, Mumbai University, Mumbai, and I have been studying advertising since 4 years.