Mistral AI’s New 8x7B Model: How to Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence

8 min readDec 28, 2023


Mistral AI is a French startup that develops conversational AI assistants powered by natural language processing and generative AI models. Founded in April 2023 by researchers previously from Meta and Google, Mistral AI aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible in conversational AI .

The company’s main product is an AI assistant also named Mistral that can engage in natural, multi-turn conversations on a variety of topics. Mistral leverages large language models and reinforcement learning to understand context, ask clarifying questions, and provide helpful information. According to the company, Mistral can chat about casual topics like sports and movies, answer general knowledge questions, provide advice and recommendations, and even roleplay different personas .

Unlike narrow chatbots, Mistral aims to have broad capabilities and feel more human-like during conversations. The company believes Mistral represents a major step forward in conversational AI and plans to keep enhancing its natural language processing and reasoning abilities.

Key Features of Mistral AI

Mistral AI boasts advanced conversational abilities that allow it to have natural, human-like conversations. It utilizes sophisticated natural language processing techniques to deeply understand natural language queries and requests . This allows Mistral AI to respond to users conversationally, rather than just providing robotic, scripted responses.

One of the standout features of Mistral AI is its highly customizable personality and avatar. Users can tweak the avatar’s appearance, voice, tone, and personality traits to create a unique virtual assistant personality. This level of customizability helps users develop a more natural rapport with the AI .

Additionally, Mistral AI integrates with various smart home devices and services to act as a central hub for controlling Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It can connect with smart speakers, lights, appliances, security systems and more. The AI can understand commands to control these devices and services using natural language. This hands-free control of a smart home is a key feature that sets Mistral AI apart.

Lastly, the assistant interfaces with other apps and services like calendars, email, music streaming, ride sharing and more. Users can leverage Mistral AI to manage daily tasks and productivity across services through voice commands and natural conversation. This provides a streamlined, convenient user experience.

New 8x7B Modal

Mistral AI recently released their new state-of-the-art conversational AI model called Mixtral 8x7B [1]. This new model builds on the previous Mixtral models and provides significant improvements in conversation quality, knowledge, and capabilities.

The 8x7B modal contains 8 billion parameters, making it one of the largest open-source conversational models available. It was trained on a huge dataset of online dialogues to enable more human-like conversations.

Some key capabilities of the 8x7B modal include:

- More relevant and context-aware responses in conversations
- Improved ability to hold nuanced, complex dialogues
- Enhanced common sense reasoning and world knowledge
- Better handling of causal and logical reasoning questions
- Increased multi-tasking abilities like summarization and open-domain question answering

Compared to the previous Mistral 6.7B model, 8x7B demonstrates better conversation flow, topic staying, and personality handling according to internal tests . The model architecture uses a sparsely activated mixture of experts which allows combining multiple specialized expert neural networks.

This new release highlights Mistral’s commitment to pushing state-of-the-art in conversational AI and providing high-quality open-source models. The capabilities of models like 8x7B will continue advancing human-like dialogue abilities and general intelligence of AI systems.

Installing Mistral AI

Mistral AI requires a few key hardware and software components before you can start using it. The minimum requirements are an Nvidia GPU with 12GB+ VRAM and Python 3.8+ installed. For detailed hardware recommendations, refer to the official [installation guide](https://github.com/Anthropic/mistral-ai/blob/main/docs/installation.md).

To install Mistral AI, first download the latest release from the [Anthropic website](https://www.anthropic.com). The download is provided as a pre-built Docker image that contains the model and inference code. Once downloaded, load the Docker image:

docker load < mistral-7b.tar.gz

The container image can then be started with:

docker run -it — gpus all anthropic/mistral-gpu:latest

This will launch an interactive Python prompt with Mistral imported and ready to generate text. Refer to the [user guide](https://github.com/Anthropic/mistral-ai/blob/main/docs/usage.md) for examples of how to use the API.

Mistral allows importing your own scripts and data files to customize the model. The [configuration docs](https://github.com/Anthropic/mistral-ai/blob/main/docs/configuration.md) explain how to mount volumes and load custom modules. The avatar image and personality can also be customized as outlined in the [personalization guide](https://github.com/Anthropic/mistral-ai/blob/main/docs/personalization.md).

With the Docker container running, Mistral AI is installed and ready to start conversing! Be sure to read the [safety guidelines](https://github.com/Anthropic/mistral-ai/blob/main/docs/safety.md) before use.

Daily Use Cases

Mistral AI is being adopted for a variety of daily use cases that enhance people’s lives. Many users leverage Mistral as a personal assistant to help manage their schedule, set reminders, and handle routine tasks [[1]](https://mistral.ai/). The conversational interface makes it easy to interact with Mistral using natural language for things like calendar management, to-do lists, and general productivity.

Integration with home automation and IoT devices is another growing use case . Mistral can control smart home devices, adjust lighting and temperature, and automate routines. This provides a centralized hub to manage connected devices and environments.

For entertainment, Mistral excels at providing customized recommendations for shows, movies, books, music and more. The AI can have engaging conversations about entertainment preferences and maintain an evolving profile of a user’s interests to tailor suggestions. Mistral is also able to answer questions and discuss plot details for books, films or shows a user is currently enjoying.

Across all these use cases, Mistral enhances daily life by providing a quick and intuitive way to lookup information, automate tasks, control devices and get personalized recommendations. The conversational interface helps increase productivity and entertainment through the power of AI.

The Future of Conversational AI

Conversational AI like Mistral AI is rapidly evolving and has the potential to be integrated into many more aspects of daily life. As artificial intelligence continues to advance, conversational agents may become more human-like in their abilities to handle complex dialogues and tasks.

Moving Towards General AI

Though current systems are narrow AI focused on specific use cases, researchers aim to develop more capable of conversing naturally on any topic. Achieving this goal would require major breakthroughs in natural language processing. However, as models become more sophisticated, conversational AI could reach new performance milestones in the years ahead.

Integration into More Aspects of Life

Another key trend is embedding conversational interfaces into more smart devices and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. As consumers become accustomed to voice assistants, they will likely expect seamless AI integration in homes, cars, wearables and cities. This ambient computing vision depends on advancements in speech recognition and contextual awareness.

Ethical Considerations

While promising, expanded use of conversational AI raises important ethical questions. As human-AI interaction increases, developers must prioritize transparency, privacy and accountability. Guidelines on appropriate AI behavior and oversight will be critical. More research into mitigating biases and ensuring safety is also needed.

Comparison to Other Assistants

Mistral AI differs from traditional virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant in a few key ways. While those assistants are designed primarily for simple tasks like setting alarms, playing music, and looking up basic information, Mistral AI is focused on natural language conversations and can handle more complex requests.

One major advantage of Mistral AI is its ability to have longer, more free-flowing conversations without getting confused or providing irrelevant responses. It can understand context and follow the logic of a dialogue much better than Alexa or Siri. This makes Mistral AI more useful for having in-depth discussions, answering complicated questions, and even roleplaying different perspectives.

However, while Mistral AI excels at conversation, traditional assistants like Google Assistant are still better suited for straightforward commands and integration with smart home devices. Mistral AI lacks the tight integration with IoT ecosystems that makes Google Assistant so convenient for daily tasks like playing music, getting weather updates, or controlling smart lights.

In summary, Mistral AI shines when it comes to sophisticated dialogue and analysis, while Alexa, Siri and others are preferable for simple voice commands and smart home control. The strengths of both types of assistants demonstrate the range of useful applications for AI in our daily lives.

Mistral AI in Business Settings

Mistral AI has the potential to assist businesses in a variety of ways, including customer service, data analysis, and workflow automation. According to a, conversational AI like Mistral can act as a catalyst for business adoption of this technology.

One key use case is as a customer service or support agent. Mistral AI could handle common customer inquiries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues. A notes that conversational AI allows businesses to communicate with customers on a one-to-one basis economically.

Mistral AI also has potential for analyzing data and providing business insights. Its natural language capabilities allow it to interpret complex datasets. This could reveal trends and opportunities that humans may miss.

Additionally, Mistral AI can help automate workflows and processes. It can follow logic trees and make decisions, taking over repetitive administrative tasks.

However, there are challenges and limitations to business adoption of Mistral AI. It lacks human judgment for handling complex customer issues. There are also costs associated with implementation and maintenance. Proper training data is required to ensure Mistral provides useful and accurate information.


Mistral AI represents an important development in conversational AI, though one that comes with both opportunities and risks. This post has touched on some of the key capabilities of Mistral, including its new 8x7B model and relative ease of installation. However, as with any rapidly evolving technology, we must be cognizant of how systems like Mistral could be misused, as well as their limitations.

Conversational AI has the potential to greatly improve human productivity and access to information. Mistral and similar AIs may one day have a regular place in our homes and workplaces. But the individuals and companies behind these systems have an ethical responsibility to develop them carefully, with an eye toward avoiding potential downsides like job displacement or the reinforcement of biases.

Responsible AI design will require accepting certain limitations, at least in the near term. As advanced as Mistral may seem, it lacks human contextual understanding and the ability to reason ethically. We should be realistic about what conversational AI can and cannot do as the technology continues advancing.

With the right precautions and ethical foundations, conversational AI can be harnessed for the betterment of society. The path forward lies in protecting privacy, ensuring transparency, and democratizing access to AI. If developers like Anthropic make users’ interests a priority as they refine systems like Mistral, we can be optimistic about the many ways AI assistants will enrich our lives.

