How to Write Working Case Study? Use the STAR Method

Veronika Malkina
2 min readMay 26, 2020



The STAR Method is a way of answering competency-based interview questions that provides interviewers with clear, concrete and concise answers. Interview questions that are answered in the STAR method format get to the heart of what a candidate actually did in a previous work experience.

STAR stands for:

Situation — What was the situation you faced?

Task — What tasks were you involved in?

Action — What actions did you take?

Results — What were the results of those actions?

Example of the story

Situation: I was a part of a team working on a presentation meant to help us secure a major new client for our company. The weather was bad, and it turned out that my supervisor got caught in a snowstorm and was unable to make it back in time. It looked like we were going to have to cancel the meeting and potentially lose the client.

Task: I had been looking for ways to take on more responsibility, so I volunteered to finish up the presentation.

Action: I worked with my supervisor via the phone and between the two of us, we ended up going ahead with the scheduled meeting.

Results: So, it all worked out in the end. As a result of my initiative, we not only landed the client, but I was also recommended for a promotion.

