The Opportunity Cost Between Bitcoin And University

7 min readApr 16, 2020


Finding a career in a field of work that we’re passionate about, is well paying, and makes us happy can be a very difficult thing to do. And as a current college student, I am with many others eagerly trying to figure all that out. After studying Bitcoin for the past few years, I have quickly realized this is the place to be when it comes to making money. Either by hodling Bitcoin and getting gains, getting entrepreneurial, and or finding work in this space, there is a huge opportunity here. It makes me wonder all the time and I keep asking myself this same old question: would college students be better off working a job, getting creative in this space, and stacking sats; or wait and focus on school and work towards a getting a normie career?

School Life

Most people begin University around the age of 18 (and in my opinion, this is WAY too early to start) they’re fresh out of high school and eager to move onto the next stage of life. This can be an exciting time filled with joy, as so many new opportunities can arise from anywhere; as well as it can be equally as terrifying. Your typical high school graduate/soon to be college freshman is broke, inexperienced, and most likely…. worried. Whether they think about it or not, this is the start of their adult life, and big decisions are going to have to be made.

Many money traps and other scammy behavior happens around this time in one’s life, and at the expense of the student. I remember being 18, consistently getting emails and physical mail from my bank begging me to get a credit card, and take out a vacation loan for the summer. Pestering an 18 year old who they know is most likely going to college and jobless, to take out a loan? That’s predatory and should be illegal, especially since they know they won’t be able to pay it off anytime soon. These debt schemes come in many various forms, such as student loans, automobile loans, credit card debt, and more. All designed to take advantage of you from a young age.

One problem I have with the university is some people use being young as an excuse to not work on themselves outside of their studies. They feel like all they have to do is school work, and nothing else to do with the stuff they’re actually passionate about. I understand this can be time consuming, as students are expected to balance studies, social life, working out, and more. There just isn't enough time in the day to get all this stuff done, and can create an overwhelming amount of stress. This stress can lead to many problems such as depression, drug abuse, and more. Which all negatively impact your mental well being and financials. Why pay to attend something that you know could easily bring you all of these problems?

These are costly mistakes, that if not dealt with correctly, will hinder your quality of life later on. I constantly see my peers and many others make these big mistakes that end up costing them big later on. It’s funny to me, talking about college with younger people, who are so full of optimism and excitement. Thinking that this is going to be what makes them successful, and really giving what school they go to a popularity status. Yet so many college grads I’ve talked to regret many decisions they’ve made during this time, including going to college altogether.

Studying hard, paying loads of time and money, working towards a certain degree in University is something big, and every decision in this process should have much thought put into it. It makes me wonder why they’re so many students attending college when: (1) they don't know why they’re there. (2) they’re uninterested in school and just looking to party. (3) have no drive to succeed. After talking to many students I went to high school with, it seems almost everyone falls in these categories. Nobody knows the real reason why they’re there, and yet they’re still willing to pay top dollar for their degree.

So why is everyone so willing to take on these huge debts and other costs for college, when they don't even know what they’re doing there? Why is everyone pressured to go to University in order to be “successful”? Why are many college students getting a degree in an area of work that they have no interest in, just to have a degree? And why are so many people wasting their god damn time?! Too many questions, not any good answers.

Bitcoin Life

While being young and trying to figure out what you want to do in life, Bitcoin can be a great place to get your life on track. I don't mean you have to get a career here, you can do whatever you please. The point I'm trying to get across here is, working a job to stack sats in your younger days has the potential to pay off very handsomely in the future, putting you way ahead of your peers. And although life isn't a race and everyone goes at their own pace, Bitcoin could still put you ahead. It can be pretty much the opposite of getting into a lot of debt, you could end up finding yourself with a lot of value.

In University currently, I have often felt as I'm not learning much of anything important, and wasting my money on classes I have no interest in but “I need them for my degree”. I'm a science major yet I'm forced to take music and art classes? It makes no sense, which has turned my attention towards more important things. Self-educating myself online and working jobs in fields of work I'm interested in has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I feel free to express myself, and most importantly, I feel like I'm making the best choices.

I am getting the education of a lifetime on Twitter and various other websites. It has allowed me to “socialize” and network with some of the brightest minds I’ve ever met, and opened up doors for me I never even knew existed. There is endless opportunity here, just waiting for someone to come and grab it. As well as I'm actually learning real life stuff, that applies to my personal life.

Bitcoin has the potential to get you financially ahead and give you opportunities you’ve always dreamt of. Maybe you’ve always had a dream of opening a restaurant, starting a business, filming a movie, etc. But you’ve never been financially equipped and had the courage to chase those dreams. But if you stack sats and hodl, you might just find yourself in that life changing position to do what you’ve always wanted to do; and the best part is: YOU WOULDNT NEED A DEGREE. You then have the power and education to do what you want all by yourself.

Stock To Flow

Going off what I was just previously talking about and to end off this article, we are going to talk about Bitcoins stock to flow. Since Bitcoins supply is hard capped at only 21 million coins with the halving event about every 4 years, makes this a scarce and valuable asset to own. Working at a young age gives you the chance to not only accumulate a fraction of a full coin, but a full coin, and even multiple full coins. And if the stock to flow continues to be correct, this could pay off extremely well in many ways. By the time one graduates university, they could have hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars if they stack hard, smart, and safe. That's a much better ROI than their degree, and they haven't even started that yet.

Depending on how much you accumulate and how well Bitcoin does in the future, this could be your opportunity to really live life as you envisioned it, taking loads of stress off of you and your family. Going off that, I know many marriages fail as a result of financial troubles and guiding your family away from that could be life changing. Allowing you and your loved ones comfort in stressful times.

There's a whole wide world out there for us to go can chase. Bitcoin gives us the opportunity to actually go and do this debt free, worry free, and financially free.

Thanks for reading homies, have a great rest of your day!

