My Non-Technical Tools For Everyone.

The Fundamentals
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2014

Trying to help more people more often with open-source tools.

In the tech-world I always hear open source and associate it with programming. It’s probably because Open Source became much easier to do with the advent of key technologies; namely the web.

You know what didn’t become easier to do? Writing down your thoughts and feeling completely comfortable that other people were seeing your genius, or more likely stupidity. (Well, Twitter and Tumblr have helped there).

This year I decided I’d put some of the tools I’ve ‘developed,’ around some things people have asked me to do multiple times, on the internet. Some have already been online and available. Others I’m still developing but need to simply push out the door.

By end 2015 I’ll distribute the tools below. I’ll write a short note on each one separate of this post, which is a binding contract for me to do it.


I have developed a Google doc template for writing OKRs. I think OKRs can be the most powerful, yet dumbfoundingly simple, tool organizations can use to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Working at Google for the last 1200 days has validated that belief to me.

Investor Template

I have developed an Investor Template to help founders engage and keep their advisors and investors active in their pursuits. This skill — that needs to be developed— probably dictates who makes it and who does not.

Evaluating a Pitch Deck

I have been fortunate to be asked for my opinion on many pitch decks over the last few years. I see the same mistakes over and over again: that presentations miss answering the few, basic but critical, questions people need to take the next action.

My template for looking at decks can be found here.

Job Hunt Tracker

I chat a lot with people about their careers and finding their next job. I found that making this a process is important.

I have a beta version of this document here, that I’m testing with people. I’ll iterate the core template based on their gracious feedback.

Tracking Medical Payments

I hope nobody needs to spend a year in the hospital. Managing bills — coming from many vendors — is an insult to those trying to fight for their life. I am developing a simple Google Spreadsheet to help you manage your bills and medical logins.

I’ll release this document by end January 2016.

