Setting Alerts for SSL certificate Expiry in a GCP Project

Nikhil YN
3 min readAug 10, 2023



In the realm of modern cloud infrastructure management, ensuring the continuous security of resources is a top priority for organizations. Among these resources, SSL certificates play a critical role in maintaining secure connections and safeguarding sensitive data. As these certificates have a finite validity period, proactive monitoring of their expiry becomes essential to prevent service disruptions and potential security vulnerabilities.

In this context, the practice of “setting alerts for SSL certificate expiry” within a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project emerges as a crucial strategy. By implementing automated alerts, organizations can stay ahead of certificate expirations, take timely action, and ensure the uninterrupted flow of secure communication.

In this exploration, we delve into the motivations, methodologies, and benefits of setting up alerts for SSL certificate expiry in a GCP project. By understanding the technicalities of certificate validity, configuring monitoring tools, and leveraging automated notifications, we aim to highlight the significance of this practice in maintaining a robust and secure cloud environment.


For all the Google managed certificate provisioned in a GCP project, alert policy must be set for a given time like 5 or 10 days before the SSL certificate expires.


  1. Must have a GCP project.
  2. Must have GCP managed certificate created and active under certificate manager section of the GCP project.


  1. Go to Monitoring > Alerting > create policy section
Select the above metric
Select thresold position as below and threshold value as any value below 90 days.

90 days is the number of days for which GCP managed certificate would remain active. So, in threshold value, chose a value below it.

Also, under threshold position choose “below threshold”. This would alert whenever the expiry day for an SSL certificate is under 7 days(threshold value).

Configure notification channel

Notification channel determines to whom the alert must reach to.

Final state after configuration of alerts

In the graph, the orange line shows time till expiry and red line shows threshold value set below which an alert would be fired. So, whenever the orange line comes below red line an alert would be fired.


In conclusion, the practice of setting up alerts for SSL certificate expiry within a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project represents a proactive approach to maintaining the security and continuity of digital services. As organizations increasingly rely on secure connections to transmit sensitive data, the timely renewal of SSL certificates becomes paramount.

By establishing automated alerts, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with expired certificates, which can lead to service disruptions, security vulnerabilities, and loss of user trust. This practice enables IT teams to be notified well in advance of certificate expiration, providing ample time to renew or replace certificates without causing disruptions to critical services.

Through this vigilant approach, organizations can uphold the highest standards of security and ensure seamless operations. The ability to proactively manage SSL certificates aligns with industry best practices and regulatory requirements, fostering a secure environment for both data transmission and user interactions.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of setting up alerts for SSL certificate expiry remains integral to maintaining a robust and resilient cloud infrastructure. By embracing this practice, businesses can safeguard their digital assets, fortify their security posture, and deliver a seamless and secure experience to their users.


  1. Link for getting alert policy metric —
    search for “time_until_ssl_cert_expire” sin the above link.
  2. General link for alerting policy —

