A true teacher and true compassion

Nikhil Rayaprolu
2 min readApr 18, 2024


A true teacher seeks only your realization,
Not a servant for their own aspiration.
Actions flow from the heart’s pure spring,
Not ideals on heavy wing.

No longer hating the present, you see,
The perfection in what is meant to be.
A true teacher’s words come from a place,
Of love and compassion, not of fear and hope.

From compassion, not hope, their actions flow,
For hope and compassion cannot coexist, you know.

Hope yearns for a future, a different time and space,
While compassion embraces the present with grace.
Hope breeds fear, clinging to a future, not seeing what’s here.
Compassion is free, embracing the present

just as it’s meant to be, untethered by illusions dear.

Their words, with peace, gently part the veils of doubt,
They give you a view, unbiased and clear,

Free from attachments, likes, and fear.
Liberating you from the mind’s tight grip,
Assumptions and biases begin to slip.

The flower of truth, they see in you,
Blossoms within you, setting you free.
Like fragrance to a flower, love and compassion are to the truth,
When truth is realized, and you truly know

You become the compassion that flows

A true teacher has no goals to achieve,
For they are no more, but only a mirror.
Reflecting your true self, pure and bright,
Guiding you gently towards your inner light.

From head to heart, they guide your way,

In the presence of a true teacher, all becoming dissolves,
No longer caged by hopeful cries, Under the teacher’s knowing eyes.
No more projections, just the truth sublime.

Reality blossoms, unbounded by time,

Truth’s silent song begins to sing



Nikhil Rayaprolu

Nikhil, a CS grad, open-source contributor, nature lover, ex-startup cofounder, traveler, ML researcher, spiritual seeker. contact: nikhil684@gmail.com