GSoC 2018: Add support for custom tabs

Nikhil Kumar
2 min readAug 11, 2018


In my last article, I told you that I almost finished the parent tables part of my project and was changing the appearence of Special:Drilldown page after adding parent tables. So, this is how it looks after all changes:

ScreenShot of Drilldown:Opinions page

Now, I’m working on (actually almost finished) adding support for custom tabs in drilldown page. Here by custom tabs, I mean custom tabs for displaying the results in different formats. By default, there are already tabs present for displaying the results in different formats (it adds different tabs according to the type of fields present in the database), It too was done by me in the starting of GSoC as a part of my project. For more details see here.
But the custom tabs are totally different from the default tabs which I just mentioned, it gives user the complete freedom to how they can/want to show the results. It not only allow them to show the results in different formats but also which fields they wanna show in their results. Even in terms of just formats, it allows users to display the results in any format available in Cargo (like tables, lists, etc.), not just map, timeline or gallery (as in case of default tabs). Not only that you can even add any parameter taken by the format to display it as you want (for example: dimensions in case of maps, mode and captions in case of gallery format and much more). For instance, in a Books table with Authors as its parent table, if you are not using drilldown tabs (i.e. you are using default tabs), then it will only show you the results associated with Books table (although you can filter it using parent table). But if you are using drilldown tabs (the custom one), then you can add any field in your results and that too in many different formats available in Cargo.

You can see it in action on Drilldown:Opinions.

Results in Table Format on Drilldown:Opinions
Map Format using custom drilldown tabs on Drilldown:Cities

This task was important and interesting ( easy too).

Thanks for reading…

