GSoC 2018 @ WikiMedia Foundation

Nikhil Kumar
2 min readMay 11, 2018


I have been selected for Google Summer of Code 2018 and will be working with WikiMedia Foundation this summer. The feeling of being selected for GSoC is just amazing. This will be my first time with any open source organization and that too with WikiMedia, I feel like I am on top of the world.
You can know more about the project I’ll be working on here.

The first challenge in participating for GSoC was to decide which organization and what project I am going to participate in and that took a lot of time. After I decided which project I wanna participate in, immediately I started working on the prerequisites. The first micro task itself was easy, but due to less knowledge of codebase and coding conventions, it seemed a little challenging to me. It took me around a week to complete that. Actually what happened was that instead of writing the code in extension, I wrote the whole code in the core. It was working fine locally, but then Brian told me what was the mistake in my code(MediaWiki core should not have code related to other extensions (beyond hooks) ), then Brian and Yaron both helped and guided me a lot in completing that micro task. I really thank them for that. After that, to get a good understanding of the project and codebase, I kept doing other micro tasks too(even if someone else was working on that, I would give my whole time on completing that(not for submitting the patch or anything like that, but just for learning and experience)). It gave me a lot of confidence and understanding of the codebase.

Finally I submitted a proposal and waited for the result anxiously. On 23rd April, when result was announced, I was just blown away on seeing my name on the list.
I am really excited to be working with WikiMedia Foundation this summer.

Thanks to Brian and all my mentors especially Yaron for helping and guiding me, and also to my friend Siddharth Sharma for encouraging me to participate in GSoC and helping me in writing the proposal. It wouldn’t have been possible without you guys.

