Long time, no see.

Nikhila Dwarakanath
4 min readMay 21, 2019


It often happens that what you love to do becomes the least of your priorities under a pile of to-do lists and goals to achieve. Well, the same thing happened to me until I realized how much happiness writing gives me.

It’s either some bad phase in your life or a sudden pang of realization that makes you come back and give you the beating you need to do what you love. Today I share with you some important news. I have a new found love in my life. NEW YORK CITY.

Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of — Alicia Keys

I have been trying to come up with that perfect word for the place that became my second home, that gave me lessons I will remember for the rest of my life, some memories unforgettable, that has made me go crazy. I decided the one phrase that shows you my opinion of the city and the place it holds in my heart, FABULOUSLY ADDICTIVE.

Why, you ask? From the tall buildings to the vast expanse of the water, it shows you your place in this world, a walk to any of the piers around, you will realize how small your problems are. All it takes is a deep breath of the fresh, salty air and a view of the Manhattan skyline. And once you get used to it, you can’t really go back. You rewind, again and again, yearning that time of the day where you enjoy one minute of the city. In the past year, I have tried to come up with a plausible reason, why I love the city so much. I crib, I get annoyed with the trash, I avoid the buzz of the city, but put me in another city and I will come crawling back loving this city more and more. Maybe it’s the breathtaking views, the buzz in the subways, the diversity of peoples from all across the world, the eclectic weather conditions, the magic of the curbs and the old buildings, the amazing food, the memory of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and imagining how your very own F.R.I.E.N.D.S story would turn out…..

City of Dreams

I have explored very little of New York in the past couple of months, but it was enough to make me fall in love with it. I am beginning to understand why it is called the City of Dreams, the Gotham, the Big Apple, the Center of the Universe.

In my few months of travel, below are my favorite places:

  1. American Veterans Memorial Pier — A perfect place to collect your thoughts and enjoy the view of the Manhattan skyline. This is my happy place, no matter how bad my day is, one trip to this pier and I’m rockin’rolling.

2. Dumbo — Manhattan Bridge + Empire State Building + Classic NY buildings, what’s not to like in this picture. The breathtaking view of the Empire State from this place in Brooklyn is worth your time.

3. Brooklyn Promenade — A Friday evening after an early dinner, and the best place to stroll around is Brooklyn Promenade, walking about Jane’s carousel and gazing at the mighty tall buildings across the river in Manhattan, would be the perfect gift you can give yourself for the onset of weekend. Whilst turning heads from Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan bridge and trying to sneak a view of the Statue of Liberty from afar, a photography course you might want to gift yourself.

4. Empire State Building — Sleepless in Seattle + seeing this in reality, Mission Accomplished, somehow this is a symbol of love and romance for me, and I will always gaze at this building with the same enthusiasm and excitement as I did when I saw it for the very first time.

5. Rockefeller Park — The rink, Brookfield mall, the view overlooking Jersey shore, the chilly winds and finally the WTC across on the other side, powerful as ever, a must visit place for early morning joggers and cyclists. An amazing place to just walk about or go for a morning run. See the ferry off and about to Jersey back and forth, it’s the most satisfying views to catch.

So this was my post on my newfound love and my second home. I hope you enjoyed this read, any comments/ suggestions are appreciated.

Hope to come back soon for my next one.

