Greed Search Vs. Beam Search in Image Caption Generation: A Comparative Analysis

Nikhil Nan
3 min readJul 17, 2023


Image caption generation, a significant facet of modern AI applications, is a complex problem that involves interpreting visual content to generate text that describes the scene. Within the realm of these applications, algorithms like Greed Search and Beam Search come into play. In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive comparison of these two methodologies within the context of image caption generation, focusing on their architecture, computational speed, accuracy, and practical applications.

The Basics of Image Caption Generation

Image captioning, in essence, is an interdisciplinary problem, bridging computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). The prevailing architecture employed in image captioning tasks is an encoder-decoder framework. An encoder, typically a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), is used to extract visual features from the image, which are then passed onto a decoder, generally a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), or a Transformer, to generate the text descriptions.

The process of generating these descriptions is sequential, where each word depends on the previously generated words and the image’s context. This is where search strategies like Greed Search and Beam Search are used to decide the next word in the sequence.

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Greed Search: Simplicity and Speed

Greed Search, also known as Greedy Search, follows a simple, fast yet effective approach. At each time step, the algorithm selects the word with the highest probability given the current state and image context. After selecting the word, it updates the current state and repeats the process until an end token is produced or the maximum length is reached.


In the context of image caption generation, the CNN acts as the encoder that generates an encoded representation of the image. This is passed to the decoder (RNN/LSTM/Transformer), which then uses Greed Search to generate the caption word by word.

Computation Speed

The major advantage of Greed Search lies in its speed. Since it selects the most probable word at each step without considering future implications, it’s computationally less intensive and faster.


While Greed Search is fast, its primary drawback is in its accuracy. The selected words only consider the current step, leading to suboptimal results, as it doesn’t look ahead to determine if the chosen word leads to a higher overall sentence probability.

Beam Search: Trading Speed for Accuracy

Beam Search takes a more comprehensive approach. At each time step, it keeps track of the top ‘k’ probable sequences, called ‘beams.’ The sequences are then extended by one more word, and only the top ‘k’ sequences are retained. This process is repeated until an end token is encountered, or the maximum length is reached.


Like Greed Search, Beam Search is employed in the decoder part of the image caption generation architecture. Given an image encoded by a CNN, the decoder with Beam Search generates the caption by keeping track of multiple possible sequences simultaneously.

Computation Speed

Beam Search is computationally more expensive than Greed Search due to its nature of maintaining multiple sequences. The time complexity increases linearly with the beam width ‘k.’ However, for small values of ‘k,’ Beam Search can be performed efficiently.


The key advantage of Beam Search over Greed Search lies in its accuracy. By keeping track of multiple sequences, Beam Search considers future steps when selecting the next word. This makes it less likely to make short-sighted decisions and results in a more accurate output.

Conclusion: Greed Search Vs. Beam Search in Image Caption Generation

The choice between Greed Search and Beam Search ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the task. If speed is a critical factor and the application can tolerate suboptimal results, Greed Search is a solid choice due to its simplicity and computational efficiency. On the other hand, if accuracy is paramount, Beam Search’s approach to considering multiple paths pays off in generating more coherent and contextually accurate captions, despite its increased computational cost.

Like many things in machine learning and AI, there’s a trade-off to consider. By understanding the principles behind Greed Search and Beam Search, developers can make informed decisions about which method best suits their specific image caption generation tasks.



Nikhil Nan

Welcome to my blog Beyond Thoughtscapes, where I explore the intersections of science, philosophy, politics, business, and global affairs.