India Java User Group Tour 2018

Nikhil Nanivadekar
3 min readApr 20, 2018


After 27+ hours of travel I just reached Pune, my home town. I am excited for my India Java User Group Tour 2018. I will be presenting on Java 10, Java 9, Eclipse Collections, Spark and more!

It is a quick pit stop in Pune before I head over to Chennai for my first JUG meet-up in #INDJUG tour. Abstracts for all my talks are available at the end of this blog. Join me at one of these cities:

Chennai JUG: Saturday, April 21

Delhi-NCR JUG: Sunday, April 22

Bengaluru JUG: Wednesday, April 25

Hyderabad JUG: Sunday, April 29

Kerala JUG (Thiruvananthapuram): Saturday, May 5

Thank you to @MadrasJUG, @DelhiJUG, @bangalorejug, @JUGHYD, and @KeralaJUG for hosting me in each city.

I’ll be tweeting using the #INDJUG so if you can’t make it, you can still follow my adventures through India.

Hope to see you at one of the stops!


How to make your project Java-10 compatible:

Java 10 was recently released and was the first release with the new Java release cadence. However, one can’t simply upgrade their projects from Java 8 to Java 10. It first should be upgraded to Java 9, due to the numerous changes that might potentially break existing applications. This session is a case study of making a third-party Java Collections library (Eclipse Collections) first Java 9 compatible and then with relative ease Java 10 compatible. The audience will see an overview of all the steps taken and the evolution of the final product which is Java 10 compatible. Attending this session will put you in the driver’s seat when you will be required to upgrade your application to use JDK 10.

Getting Started with Spark:

Data analytics and machine learning have become mainstream in recent years. With the amount of data available, distributed computing has become a necessity. Apache Spark is one of the forerunners in distributed computing domain. In this hands-on session, the audience will learn about the background and basic concepts of Apache Spark. The speaker will build a reference implementation live and introduce new concepts along the way., Apache, Eclipse, Guava…):

Collections are a staple in any programming language: the need to collect, sort, or iterate over values is needed by nearly all developers. The Java language introduced the Collections framework long ago. It has plenty to offer, but many find it lacking: the number of collection libraries as active open source projects demonstrates the need for something else. This session does a holistic comparison of the most-common collections (pun intended!) frameworks, what they have to offer, and what you should consider for your next project. It also shows common programmer use cases; how each library handles them; and the impact on memory, processing power, and ease of use/coding. Come and let us help you choose the right bag for your tricks!

API Deep Dive: Designing Eclipse Collections

When designing an API, its authors have to consider many aspects: style, naming, scope, and implementation details are among these aspects. They have a direct impact on the resulting code, and its implementation can go in many different directions. How do you choose the best route to go? How do you maintain symmetry? How do you guarantee consistency and performance across the framework? Last but not the least, what is the complexity associated with adding a new API? Come take a look behind the curtains of a widely used API that has many years of development and that you can contribute to.



Nikhil Nanivadekar

Lead Eclipse Collections:, Java Champion. I enjoy hiking, skiing, reading. All opinions stated by me are my own. Twitter @nikhilnanivade