Reshape the World from Bed: The Power of Online Activism

Niki Jasmine
5 min readAug 19, 2023


Image Source: Jimmy Kwan, the Eyeopener

Picture this: you’re lying in bed, scrolling through your social media feed. With just a few taps, you can support a cause, sign a petition, and even influence global conversations — all without getting up! Welcome to the world of online activism.

In a world where technology has become an integral part of our lives, the impact of online activism and social media has taken center stage.

Online activism leverages the vast reach of the internet and social media platforms to rally support for various causes. From climate change to human rights, you can join movements and amplify your voice with just a few clicks. The key lies in mobilizing the masses and generating awareness far beyond physical boundaries.

Jacqui Gingras, a Ryerson associate sociology professor at Toronto Metropolitan University via The Eyeopener articulated the meaning of online activism perfectly:

“Online activism provides an opening, a doorway for those people who perhaps don’t know what to do and don’t consider themselves as activists, to enter the conversations online where it may be safer and more private.”

A Comparison With Real-World Activism

But how does online activism stack up against the traditional, feet-on-the-ground kind? Let’s break it down.

Reach and Accessibility

Traditional activism often requires physical presence — marching in the streets, holding placards. Online activism transcends borders, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals across your country and beyond. Remember the #SaveASEANRainforests campaign? Thousands of youths united online to advocate for preserving our region’s precious ecosystems.

Speed and Efficiency

In the digital age, information travels at lightning speed. Online petitions, viral hashtags, and shared posts can gain traction rapidly. The recent case of cyberbullying awareness gained momentum across the world, sparking discussions and prompting laws to be put forth in a short time.

Engaging a Global Audience

Online activism opens doors to a diverse audience. Your message can resonate with people from different cultures, fostering a broader understanding of regional and global issues. Take the example of #ASEANPlasticFree, where young activists collaborated to combat plastic pollution, inspiring citizens from all ten ASEAN nations to take eco-friendly actions.

Slacktivist vs Activist: Navigating the Digital Divide

While online activism offers potent tools, it’s essential to remember that virtual actions should translate into tangible outcomes. In the world of online activism, a debate often rages about the difference between being a “slacktivist” and a true activist. It’s easy to get caught up in performative gestures that might not lead to real-world change.

Let’s unravel this discourse and explore how to engage in online activism effectively:

The Slacktivist Trap

Clicking “like” or sharing a post is quick, but it doesn’t always translate into meaningful action. Some criticize online activists for appearing engaged without actually contributing to solutions. What should you do, then?

Raising Awareness vs. Taking Action

While raising awareness is crucial, it’s only the first step. Transform your online actions into concrete steps like signing petitions, joining virtual events, and supporting on-ground initiatives.

Beyond Performative Acts

In truth, online activism is in no way less than traditional ones. But activism entails more than simply a few clicks you’ll forget by the end of the day. Instead, true activism requires substance. Sharing informative content, engaging in discussions, and supporting verified organizations can make a real impact.

Authenticity Matters

Authenticity is the cornerstone of impactful online activism. Share your genuine beliefs and concerns, and strive to educate yourself continuously. Hold yourself accountable for your online activism. Set goals, track your progress, and ensure your virtual actions lead to tangible change. At the end of the day, remember: What are you doing this for?

By being mindful of the slacktivist trap and aligning your virtual actions with genuine efforts, you can rise above performative gestures and contribute to the world positively.

Transforming Clicks into Change

As you lay in bed, be mindful of the clicks you take in the name of your activism journey. Is simply clicking like and share enough? What more could you do in the name of advocacy?

Follow these steps and cross out each that you’ve done to ensure the most impact. Don’t worry, we’re keeping our promise — you won’t have to get up from your bed!

1. Educate Yourself

Before supporting a cause, research thoroughly to ensure accuracy. Websites, official statements, and reputable news sources are your friends.

2. Spread Knowledge

Share informative content about the issues you’re passionate about. Your friends might be unaware of crucial matters that need attention.

3. Support Verified Organizations

Connect with established NGOs working towards your chosen cause. Collaborate with them to magnify your impact.

4. Petitions and Fundraisers

Signing online petitions and donating to verified fundraisers can contribute to real-world change.

5. Engage Local Leaders and Politicians

Use your online platform to engage local and national leaders. Their responsiveness might surprise you.

The Future Is in Your Hands

As youths, you hold the future of the region in your hands. Online activism isn’t just about reshaping the world from your bed — it’s about using technology to foster positive change that reverberates across borders. From environmental conservation to social justice, your actions have the potential to make history.

So, the next time you find yourself nestled under your blanket with your smartphone in hand, remember that you have the power to reshape the world. Online activism isn’t limited by distance or circumstance; it’s the bridge that connects you to fellow youths across ASEAN and beyond who share your dreams of a better future.

Online activism isn’t limited by distance or circumstance; it’s the bridge that connects you to fellow youths across ASEAN and beyond who share your dreams of a better future.


Zhu, K. (2020). “From posts to protests: How social media makes social justice accessible.” theEyeopener.

Devost, E. (2020). “Beyond the Hashtag: How To Use Social Media As A Great Organizer For Social Movements.” teak media + communication.

UNICEF. (2021). “Young Heroes: Building a better world, one click at a time.”

Johnson, S. (2022). “The Influence of Online Activism on Real-World Change.” Journal of Global Engagement, 8(3), 45–58.

Johnson, M. (2022). “From Slacktivism to Activism: Navigating Online Engagement for Real Change.” Journal of Digital Society, 15(2), 78–92.

