Telegram bot update

3 min readNov 27, 2023

Introducing the updated version of the Telegram bot for SNX stakers!

First and foremost, in case you didn’t know, Synthetix has a Telegram bot for monitoring staking: @snx_track_bot.
The bot has undergone a complete overhaul and comes with a range of new features:

  • A user-friendly and intuitive button menu.
  • An enhanced and more flexible notification system.
  • Repeatable notifications.
  • Customizable auto-updating dashboard.

Although every effort has been made to provide the bot with the most intuitive interface possible, below is a tutorial on how the bot can help track staking positions:

To add an account to the monitored list, simply send the command /accounts, click “add,” and then send a message with the account address and chain separated by a space.
For example: 0x42f9134E9d3Bf7eEE1f8A5Ac2a4328B059E7468c op

The bot may take some time to load account data (no more than a minute). While the account is loading, you can customize its dashboard. This setting is located in the account menu and is called “customize display.” You can access the account menu through /accounts -> the relevant account or by clicking on “manage account” in the successful account addition message.

Each account’s display is customized individually, and the dashboard shows all monitored accounts. The SNX price on the dashboard is the average price across all chains. To stay updated with the latest data, there’s no need to send /dashboard every time; the last message auto-updates.

Navigate to the “notifs” section in the account menu. Here, you can see which notifications are already created for the account and delete them if necessary. To create a new notification, click on “create notif.” You will see a list of available notifications. To begin with, let’s create a notification that rewards can be claimed (there are claimable SNX, and the c-ratio is above the claimable threshold). To do this, simply click on “Rewards claimable,” and the notification will be created.

Additionally, I want to receive notifications when my c-ratio > 550% to mint more sUSD and earn more rewards, or burn when my c-ratio < 300% to avoid the risk of being flagged for liquidation. To create such a notification, click on “Ratio.” Now, send the bot a message with the direction (a or b) and the target: a 550 will send a notification when the c-ratio is above 550%, and b 300 if the c-ratio falls below 300%.

There are also notifications for when rewards are claimed, which can be useful for those whose rewards are automatically collected. Additionally, there are notifications for when the account is flagged for liquidation.
Unlike the previous version where notifications were deleted immediately after being sent, in this version, they are permanent. This means that after delivery, they are turned off, and when their condition is no longer met, they are turned back on.


  • In order to enhance the efficiency of the bot, the decision was made to discontinue tracking Liquidation Rewards. These values are taken into account once a week after the start of the week. The values are not significant; currently, they do not exceed 0.0001%, and during sharp declines and major liquidations, I don’t recall them ever being higher than 0.1%.
  • Accounts that are being monitored and undergo a merge are also not tracked correctly until the end of the epoch.

Special thanks for illustrations: @naryadnaya_efimova

