Top 3 Productivity Improvement Books

Nikita Parate
4 min readJan 5, 2022


If I ask you one question- “Do you want success?”. Most probably your answer will be “Yes” unless you are among the top 100 successful people in the world. People strive to be better without knowing how to be. No one is born a genius. Everyone has some flaws. Do you know even Einstien couldn’t perform simple mathematical operations? For him, complex maths was a piece of cake but simple mathematical operations like multiplication, etc was a hurdle. But there is one thing which all successful people have and that is the will to achieve their aim. How to find your aim and how to accomplish it is best described in below three books.

Limitless by Jim Kwik

This book should be read first before reading any other book. The book starts with a beautiful and inspiring story of the author itself who faced challenges from childhood in learning due to brain injury. And today he is a brain trainer to top performers, executives, & celebrities.

Limitless gives an essence of how you can achieve anything. Even though this sounds cliche! This book has methods on how to set goals. It also describes the fact that motivation is not something that comes from inside but it is something that is incorporated within ourselves with practice. Moreover, it has techniques like speed reading, thinking, memory improvement, which if practiced can be used for any learning task.

After reading this book you will guarantee to feel like nothing is impossible. It will give you the zeal to move forward in life no matter what has happened in your past. Personal experience, before reading limitless I used to read 2–3 novels/books in a year. But after knowing the speed reading technique, I read 5 books in the span of just two and half months. This is a great achievement for me.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

Another amazing book, if you want to be at the top of your work. If you are not happy with your work, this book will make you love your work. Some powerful myths like love what you do, follow your passion will be busted by reading this book. It is filled with numerous examples of real-world people with their success stories. This book shows a strategy about how we can be at the top of our work. This book is for students, corporates, entrepreneurs, freelancers — for everybody and anybody who wants to outshine.

After reading this book you will get a feeling that you too can excel in your area whether you love it or not. Cal Newport has presented an approach to becoming an expert from a beginner by acquiring rare and valuable skills. But nothing comes free right. You have to do deliberate practice to achieve anything. But nothing is impossible too, right? The examples given in the book will make to realize that there is no time-saving method or shortcut to get what you want, but there is definitely a way that must be followed to get success. And people have done that. And you too can do. So, go for this book and you will be so good that they can’t ignore you.

Personal experience, I was not satisfied with my work life before. But now I do it with my full heart. I continue to do my work with the hope that I will make my skills rare and valuable.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Our daily routine is a series of habits. If we want to improve productivity then we need to give up some bad habits and adopt some good habits. Creating a new habit itself is a challenge. The new habit can be learning a new language, doing exercise, completing a course, etc. Suppose that we have methods, techniques, resources to learn a new task. But what if we are not able to incorporate it into our daily routine. What is the use of all the techniques, methods we learned so far?

This book will give you a way to change your daily routine. From making the habit easy, satisfying, attractive, and enjoyable. From implementation to execution, this book has presented methods that can be utilized by us in building a habit. The book focuses on the moto daily small change leads to a compound effect in the future. If practiced properly the new habits will become so easy as brushing the teeth.

Once a new habit is cultivated it can be used to learn any new task by just making it a habit. Personal experience, I have created one new habit in me and that is writing articles. Go for it, and make one small good change in your life.

Some tips:

  • If you are not a frequent reader, then pick a book and read daily 5 pages. No more no less just 5 pages. Let it take time to finish the book.
  • Prefer offline mode, buy a book and read it.
  • Read Limitless first then go for any other book or the one mentioned here.



Nikita Parate

Applied Scientist | Amazon, Cisco | IISc Bangalore. I'm on a journey to explore the intricacies of artificial intelligence.