That’s Right, ELIO Motors Shares Gained A 70% Increase In Value

Niki Valner
2 min readSep 3, 2016

It has been just over one year since StartEngine launched with the first live campaign, Elio Motors. Paul Elio, founder and CEO of Elio Motors, is a true entrepreneur. He needed capital to build his company, to alter the course, to innovate and more than anything, to live the American Dream. Elio did not want to live the American Dream of the past, but the one that is available today because of the new crowdfunding rules of the JOBS Act.

In February, Elio Motors raised close to $17M from 6,600 fans and made history with the largest Online IPO. In fact, 94% of the investors were non-accredited, with an average investment of $2,670, showcasing equity-based crowdfunding in the unaccredited investing world as an option for funding emerging and small businesses. Those early Elio investors have since seen the value of their shares increase on the OTCQX market.

As of August 31st, 2016, investors who used StartEngine to infuse capital into Elio Motors have realized over 70% increase in the original value of their investment. Investors who purchased Elio shares at $12 per share now own shares valued at $20.50 per share (as of 8/31/2016). Those who purchased 50 shares for a total value of $600 have a total share value of $1,030.

Since the close of their offering, Elio Motors has continued to generate buzz around its innovative, enviro-friendly car that is set to save 8 billion gallons of gas and reduce CO2 emissions by 160 billion pounds, by 2025. While the Elio offering was a success, investors should not expect that every investment is likely to generate the same outcome.

Paul Elio represents what is great in our country, the hard working, passionate visionary, who sees no barriers and is willing to go all the way no matter the pain he suffers. We are proud to be a part of his story because our mission, since day one, is to help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. Not only do visionaries like Paul Elio create jobs, but they are the protection to our way of life and aspirations in an ever competitive world. The American people are in desperate need of more Paul Elios and we will bring them to you.

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