MERN Part I: Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express

A code along I wish I had…

nikki ricks
10 min readAug 3, 2020


This tutorial is highly referenced from Emmanuel Henri’s LinkedIn Learning tutorial released 11/5/2019. It has been updated on Nov 2022.

It took me a long time to find a resource to help me on my journey of building a MERN stack app and this checks a lot of boxes:

  • M — MongoDB ✅
  • E — Express ✅
  • R — React
  • N — Node.js ✅

See this post for MERN Part II: Building the frontend of a RESTful API with React

Video code-alongs can be great. Until you don’t have whatever piece of technology they have and can’t get for whatever reason. Or you have to download exercise files that you can’t send to your personal computer because of work security blocks. Or you just need that one specific part and you don’t want to sift through all the clips to get to it. You get the point.

So this adapted play by play of Henri’s tutorial (with permission*) is for my future self and, since you’re here, for you too. Welcome.

Experience level: Beginner level JavaScript, comfortable in the terminal, and curiosity for what a MERN app is.

Technology you’ll need before you start:

  • MongoDB — NoSQL database
  • Node.js (I was using version 12.13.0)
  • Postman which “is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs” (via) and fun! (I said it)
  • NPM (node package manager)
  • VSCode currently my preferred IDE

Frameworks/Libraries/Dependencies we will be working with along the way (nothing you need to do now):

  • Express — “is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications” (via)
  • Mongoose — “is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment” (via)
  • Babel — JavaScript compiler
  • Body-parser — Node.js body parsing middleware **** Please note body-parser is deprecated. I will update the article as soon as possible but reference this stack overflow answer here.****
  • Nodemon — “Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app” Essentially when you hit “save” it automatically restarts your server

Alright! Let’s start the project!

What do you want to build?

For me, I want to make an app that tracks my anti-racism work. I’m going to start out with one thing to track for now, which is the donations that I make. I want to know the organization they’re to, how much I give to them, the date I made the donation and any optional comments I feel may be relevant.

Feel free to make something similar or get creative

Head on over to your favorite terminal and make a new folder:

And head into that folder:

Now initialize your project which will create a new package.json file:

It’s going to ask you a series of questions. You can be a good citizen and answer all of these or you can be lazy like me and hit enter through all of them. You can always go back and edit them later through the package.json file. 🙃

Install express:

Install MongoDB and Mongoose:

Save Babel dev dependencies:

Install nodemon:

Now open in VSCode:

Head on over to your package.json file (⌘P) and change the “scripts” object. This will make sure our server restarts and make sure that babel transpiler executes:

Your package.json file should look something like this:

package.json with scripts object update

Head back to your terminal and create a new file:

In VSCode navigate to that new index.js file to set up the initial server, insert:

Head back to your terminal and create a new file:

Babel is transpiling and so we need to help it do it’s thing. Go into that .babelrc in your VSCode and insert:

Friendly reminder to save that file. :)

Back to terminal, let’s fire it up!

Hopefully you’ll see this in your terminal, you know it’s running:

Server is running message in terminal

Now open up chrome, navigate to http://localhost:4000/ and you should see this fancy message:

localhost message


Now let’s build the folder structure for our project. This is what it should look like:

src folder view

You can do this is VSCode but I like to do it in terminal. It’s a bit tedious but good exercise.

First start by making your src folder:

Now move into that folder:

Now you’ll make three folders:

Now go into controllers:

And create a new file:

Go back to src

Now go into models:

And create a new file:

Go back to src

Go into routes

And make a file

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Celebrate! You did it. Phew.

Before we build our endpoints, let’s checkout Postman and see if it’s picking up that only get call we’ve built. Set it as a GET call, with the same url http://localhost:4000/ click Send and see the similar:

If you need help setting up Postman here’s an article to check out, it’s a little heavy handed but will give you the overall idea.

Let’s build our first route in the antiracismRoutes.js file. If you’re not already familiar with CRUD apps — have a read here and that’s what we’re going to be setting up.

  • Create — we’ll use a POST request, adding a new object, or in this case, donation
  • Read — GET, being able to read either all of the donations or a specific one for example by a donation id
  • Update — PUT, being able to edit data, so if I made a mistake on the amount I could be able to get the donation id and fix it
  • Delete — DELETE, you are able to you know, delete it, erase it, destroy it, kaboom.

In your antiracismRoutes.js file enter the following:

Head back to index.js import the file by at the top including:

And also enter:

Now head to postman — and let’s see these calls in action!

Make sure it’s on a GET request and enter the url http://localhost:4000/donations/

GET request in Postman

Let’s do the same for POST, same url:

POST request in Postman

And PUT, but this time you want to enter a “fake” donation id in the url, you can put anything, http://localhost:4000/donations/84938:

PUT request in Postman

Last but not least, keep the url path but change the request to DELETE:

DELETE request in Postman

Let’s do some database setup. Head back into your index.js file and import mongoose:

Now enter in code to connect the mongoose to the API:

Now let’s set up our schema in the antiracismModel.js file. We’re going to add the type of data we’re wanting to collect. I want to know the organizations I’m donating to (organizationName), how much I’m giving (dollarAmount)and if you see I have an “optional” comments section in case I felt I needed to make a note as to why I donated, lastly I have created_date that the user (me) won’t manually be entering, it will just look at the date it was created and enter it as a field on it’s own. You can read in Mongoose docs about different data types.

Let’s now create a Postman endpoint for POST where we want to add a new donation function (addNewDonation). Head to your antiracismController.js:

Now head into your antiracismRoutes, import the antiracismController.js file:

And in the .post call you want to replace it with:

Head into Postman and let’s test this!

We’ll change it to a POST call. And the url is http://localhost:4000/donations/ .

Make sure the Body you’ve selected “x-www-form-urlencoded”

And start entering in the key value pairs and hit Send:

Post request with data in Postman

Look at that beauty of an object down there ^.

Now let’s make an endpoint that will allow us to see all of the donation objections we’ve made. Let’s make the next function that we need getDonations. We want to use the Donation database and find the donatoins Head to the antiracismController.js file and add:

Now head to antiracismRoutes and add the getDonations function to the import statement:

And replace the code in the .get() with the function:

Let’s go to Postman and do a GET request and see it in action, http://localhost:4000/donations/

Get request Postman

Now. See those “_id” up there in the object? ^ We’re going to make some endpoints to find a donation by id.

Head to your antriracismController.js and paste in this getDonationWithId:

Now head to your antiracismRoutes at the top you want to import getDonationWithId. It should look like this:

And under your line:

You want to add this:

Head to your postman with the url: http://localhost:4000/donations/[donationID] specific to your object and it can look like this in Postman:

Get request by ID in Postman

Let’s move on to the PUT endpoint — which will allow us to edit/update a donation.

Head to your antiracismController.js and add an updateDonation function:

Lets update the antiracismRoutes.js:

Under your line:

You want to add this:

Head to Postman and change the request to a PUT and in the Body make a change to the field:

Put request by ID in Postman

Last but not least, DELETE!

Head to your antiracismController.js and add in:

Then to your antiracismRoutes.js file:

Under your line:

You want to add this:

Head to Postman with the url: http://localhost:4000/donations/[donationID] specific to your object and now make it a DELETE request click send, you should get this:

Delete request by ID in Postman

HOORAY! You did it.

Here’s the github repo you’re welcome to compare files, fork, star, or what have you.

Next time — the front-end! See this post for MERN Part II: Building the frontend of a RESTful API with React

*On 3 Aug 2020, I messaged Henri on LinkedIn and asked for his permission. He said “it’s fine as long as you referenced the original work.”

