Restored Faith in Humanity: The Good People I Met While Travelling

Nikki Almond
9 min readOct 25, 2019

We all know that there are dangerous people in the world. News headlines make us painfully aware of how many terrible things happen to people and how dangerous the world can be. Travel in particular can be scary, with stories of tourists targeted in foreign countries, tales of theft, blackmail, kidnapping, murder…
It’s easy to look at the world outside our own country and see a whole lot of differences and a whole lot of danger. We’re told to “keep ourselves safe” while travelling and taught to regard strangers with a wary eye.

I can’t deny that some people have bad intentions. It’s absolutely true that travel can sometimes go wrong because travellers trust the wrong people. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past 10 months of travel, it’s that people are just people.

No doubt there are bad people in all countries but on the flip side of that, there are absolutely amazing people in all countries too. In our adventures so far, we’ve encountered so many people who have gone out of their way to help us. Wherever you go in the world, people are just people. And it seems to me that a huge number of those people are good.


While travelling through the Australian Outback, it’s generally recommended that you make sure you’re always prepared. Take spare tyres. Always have plenty of water. Carry back-up fuel. And always, always make sure you…



Nikki Almond

Full-time traveller, part-time writer, enthusiastic reader. Blogger at