5 life lessons the humble Salamander can teach us about comebacks

Nikki Chaplin
3 min readJun 30, 2024


Sometimes nature’s smallest creatures can teach us the most profound life lessons.

Whether it’s changing careers, moving to a new city, or navigating a difficult challenge, the salamander’s adaptability reminds us that the key to survival and success often lies in our ability to adjust to new circumstances.

In life, setbacks and losses are inevitable, but the salamander shows us that it is possible to heal and rebuild but more importantly, thrive after a storm.

Reflecting on the characteristics of these humble creatures can help us shorten the time between setback and comeback.

Here are 5 lessons the tiny salamander can teach us about life.

1. Cultivate a resilient mindset

Salamanders have the ability to regrow severed limbs and even parts of their hearts and brains.

This trait teaches us that when faced with a rough, snarly patch, or loss of mojo we can start over. This may take the form of growing a new skill or seeking help from others to get you a through this rough passage.

Colonel Sanders was in retirement and trying to survive on a measly $105 pension check when he set out to franchise his chicken recipe. He was rejected more than 1,000 times before finally finding his first franchise partner. The rest, as they say is history!

With a flexible mindset, you might emerge much stronger with a new skill fitting you to take on even bigger challenges.

The point is, it’s never over until you agree it’s over.

2. Adaptability

Salamanders have the ability to adapt to a variety of conditions, from swampy places to verdant grassy areas. Their ability to survive in a variety of conditions shows us the importance of flexibility and adaptability in our own lives.

Walt Disney was fired several times including by an editor who felt he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. Thankfully, Walt kept going, refining his animations, but never giving up on his dream.

Our ability to survive despite naysayers and situations that may seem impossible depends on how good we are at adapting yet staying true to ourselves.

3. Patience

“Patience attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far.” Swahili Proverb

Salamanders move at a watchful and deliberate pace, whether scanning for food or dodging predators.

This trait reminds us of the importance of patience and careful planning. After all that’s how they’ve managed to survive for millions of years.

In a world that values speed and instant gratification, the salamander can teach us the value of taking our time and reflecting before taking actions.

4. Awareness

Salamanders have a natural sensitivity to their environment. This trait teaches us the importance of being aware of how we move within our social and work relationships.

At the end of the day most of us humans don’t have a choice about interacting with other humans. Interacting with other humans is after all tied to our very survival and even to our sense of well-being.

5. Solitude

“Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius.” Edward Gibbon

Salamanders spend much of their time in solitude. Today it’s more important than ever to separate from the noise and to carve out time to relax and recharge.

Take time out to be alone with your thoughts and reflect on things you’re grateful for or things that bring you joy. Separation from everyday stress can have a significant payoff in your mental clarity and emotional well-being.

These humble creatures, silent yet smart, remind us that the events of life may be unpredictable, but with an attitude of adaptability, flexibility and careful planning, we can keep thriving beyond our wildest expectations.

Thank you for reading



Nikki Chaplin

I write about how to intentionally create the life you love and want, how to own your intentions, what my love of travel has taught me.