Five Things…

Five Things on My Desk

Nikki Tate
4 min readMar 19, 2020

What needs to stay, what needs to go?

My desk is a mess. Way to state the obvious, Sherlock! I thought it might be fun to do some posts that were mostly photo posts (because I love taking photos of, you know, everything), but sort of themed. It’s a way to distract myself from the weightier issues that are currently infiltrating my daily scrolling.

Today’s theme: five things currently on my desk.

Item Number 1

I rarely buy clothes for myself, but I actually really like nice clothes. Yes. That would be a contradiction right there — welcome to my personality!

This is one of the reasons why I love Christmas. People who know and love me will often present me with lovely items of apparel I would never dream of purchasing myself. This is how I have come to own several pairs of quality socks. And, this silk scarf with colours and textures which remind me of moths. In a good way. Moths are beautiful in their soft, muted way.



Nikki Tate

Author 40 books, creativity coach, storyteller exploring the world living the dream! Helping you find and tell your story. Writing group: