10 Incredibly Productive Ways You Can Spend Time Online

Nikko Canzana
3 min readNov 19, 2019


You probably know what it’s like to spend hours on the internet. Perhaps you check social media for updates every five minutes while simultaneously shopping on Lazada or Shopee. Or perhaps you get sucked into the viral cat videos currently trending on YouTube. There are plenty of ways to waste time on the internet, and that’s exactly why the web gets such a bad reputation.

Of course, you can use the internet as a time-waster, but you can also use it as a resource. It can be an incredible tool if you use it correctly. It’s totally fine to spend some time de-stressing after work, but instead of spending an hour on YouTube watching cats disrespect their owners, why don't you spend a little time maximizing the internet that will surely benefit yourself.

  1. Read The News

Reading the news on a daily basis is a great advantage, this helps you differentiate false information from facts to actual happenings. In a huge world we are living in, it's hard to keep up what’s happening outside your country that's why it is important to read international news.

2. Know What Is On Trend

It is important to identify and understand trends so that you can trade with rather than against them. Always remember “Trend is your Friend”. Trading in the direction of the Trend maximizes your chance of success.

3. Enhance Your Network

Your network can be vital to your professional success. A strong and expansive network gives you insight into trends as well as insider information on job openings and movement within the company. These days social media makes it easier than ever to hone your existing relationships as well as make new contacts.

4. Drive Your Curiosity By Asking Questions

Why is it important to ask questions? By asking questions we aim to have a better understanding of things we don't know about. As life is a continuous journey, we should not stop learning and asking questions is a good example of learning new topics.

5. Practice Critical Thinking Skills

We use critical thinking skills every day. They help us to make good decisions, understand the consequences of our actions and solve problems. These incredibly important skills are used in everything from putting together puzzles to mapping out the best route to work. It’s the process of using focus and self-control to solve problems and set and follow through on goals. It utilizes other important life skills like making connections, perspective taking and communicating. Basically, critical thinking helps us make good, sound decisions.

6. Broaden Your Vocabulary

Websites like Vocabulary and Enhance My Vocabulary are great resources for learning new words. Extending your vocabulary is useful for many things, even if you’re not a writer. It can help improve resumes, proposals, and business reports, make you look more intelligent in front of your boss, and increase your contribution to world conversations.

7. Plan Your Next Vacation

For once in a while, you should be planning your vacation because you are not born to just pay bills and die. Luckily there are several websites that let people create reviews for vacation destinations. Worry no more by extinguishing your doubts on your wanted vacation.

8. Take A World Tour On Your Desktop

Have you ever wondered what other cities look like? With the amazing Google Street View, you can browse Google’s street view gallery. Go on and explore the amazing places in the world within your computer.

9. Research A Hobby

Most successful people have hobbies that reduce stress and promote creativity. Figure out what you like to do and spend some time researching it. You might like to build model cars, do a little embroidery, refinish furniture, go fishing, or even blog. Whatever it is, there are resources online that can help you refine your craft.

10. Pick A Cool New App

In this world of android and iOS, one can always reach out to an app to make their lives a little bit easier. On most lazy Sundays when I am too bored of browsing someone’s social status, I like exploring Google Play for the latest productivity apps and games. I have found plenty of apps and chrome extensions that have made my professional as well as personal life a little bit more organized and informed in so many ways.

