3 min readSep 4, 2022

The world’s first fully automated water cooler

The Hash2o is the world's first fully automated water cooler. You can customize your serving size, temperature and flavor options through an app on your smartphone. This device is also eco-friendly as it uses 3 times less water than a regular water cooler. Hash2o has created the world's first fully automated water cooler. It is a device that keeps your drinking water pure and clean, by reducing the concentration of impurities like chlorine, nitrates, heavy metals, and more. Our device uses unique patented technology to remove these impurities from your water with minimal effort from you. Hash2O is a compact and fully-automated cooler that uses smart technology to deliver the perfect amount of water at the perfect temperature, every time. It is easy to use and connects you with an entire ecosystem of products and services that make your life so much easier - from cleaning services to subscription packages for those who can't get enough water!

The world's first fully automated water cooler, the hash20-water Cooler is reinventing the way we access water. The hash20-water Cooler is an IoT-enabled Bottled Water Dispenser. Instead of providing users with water at room temperature, the Hash20-water Cooler provides chilled water that is fully automated. It uses IoT to provide users with a selection of six temperature settings. This blog discusses the hash20-water Cooler and how its uses technology to change the way we think about water. - The world's first fully automated water cooler. It's easy to install, it's eco-friendly and it's just $50 a year. helps you to save money and time on buying bottled water and you get better quality water. is the world's first fully automated water cooler. It has internet connectivity and can be controlled from anywhere using a smartphone app. It can also be remotely monitored and has features that enable users to filter the water, maintain it and a few others. is the world's first fully automated water cooler that measures, mixes, and delivers the perfect temperature water for brewing coffee, tea, and all other hot drinks. is the world's first fully automated water cooler. It is built on the concept of a water vending machine. All you need is to connect it to a water source and it will take care of the rest. It has a self-cleaning mechanism, is easy to use, and requires no refill or maintenance. - The world's first fully automated water cooler breaks the status quo of the industry and offers a more convenient and eco-friendly way to get your daily supply of drinking water.

We're always striving to be at the forefront of customer service, and today we're proud to announce a revolutionary new product on the market: the world's first fully automated water cooler. This revolutionary product allows you to save time and money and focus on what's really important—your friends and family. The new water cooler is still in its testing phase, but we encourage you to visit to place your order for one today. It won't be available for sale to the general public for a few months, but if you'd like to get an early look at this product, visit to see how you can get a free water cooler in your home. And as always, we appreciate you. USEFUL LINKS: