Embedly + alugha = ♥

Niklas Korz
1 min readMar 27, 2017


I am happy to announce that we’ve been approved as a content provider by the great guys at embed.ly!

What is alugha?

What does this mean for our users?

You can now embed alugha videos on websites using embed.ly by copy & pasting the link to the video, as I’ve done above. It’s that easy.

Where does this work? On Medium, LinkedIn (for articles and profiles), Reddit, Kickstarter and many more cool websites.

One more thing! Although not an embed.ly customer, alugha also works on twitter:

Just paste the video link into your tweet and twitter and alugha do the rest. How cool is that?



Niklas Korz

Co-Founder of and Developer at alugha. Love the modern web and languages.