The Triangle of Career Happiness

Niko Schröer
1 min readJan 9, 2023


If you want to make significant career progress in 2023, start by understanding where you stand.

For the past 10 years, I’ve used this straight forward framework:

A triangle of my role, people I worked with and the compensation.

I simply analyse if I am happy or not from these 3 angles:

  1. Role. Do I like the work that I do? Am I learning? Can I see where it will take me in 12 or 24 months?
  2. People. Do I like the people I work with? Do they inspire me? Do I look forward to showing up to work every day?
  3. Money. Does the compensation allow me to live the lifestyle I desire?

Try it yourself, it takes less than 1 minute.

> Happy in all 3 areas? Nice, keep pushing.

> Happy in 2 (eg. challenging job, inspiring team, bad comp)? Use it as a starting point to consider your options.

> Happy in 1 (eg. awesome team, but boring job & underpaid)? Getting out of there asap should be your top priority.



Niko Schröer

Passionate about principles, frameworks and learnings to grow your individual super powers and advance your career in tech!