Hone Your Skills.

3 min readAug 11, 2020


How To Become a Master.

Photo by Thought Catalog On Pixabay.

In our world of social media and hustle, we have unintentionally created a barrier between ourselves and the skills we want to master.

I’ll be blunt. Success in Life is all about skills.

It is not the only aspect of success, but it sure as hell represents the bulk of it.

That being said, becoming decent in a particular craft won’t happen in a short period of time.

In this article, I’ll explore the beginner period of skill acquisition also known as, the ”Honing Your Skill” period.

Why Do I call it Honing?

As a beginner, in any skill, we are more prompt to absorb information like a sponge.

Which although a valid option, is not a method we can sustain longterm.

The problem with relentlessly consuming information is that we never get to practice any of the things we learned.

In order to solve that problem, we need to hone our skills.

Honing is also known as deliberate practice.

Deliberate practice is the process of merging creativity with research.

Here are some examples of deliberate practice:

1) Instead of mindless sparring, good boxing trainers recommend their fighters to practice and perfect every detail of their game. If they are dropping their hands, for example, their trainer won’t allow them to go into more advanced combos and movements until they have learned this fundamental.

2) A good writer, alongside writing, will also study the great authors and implement some parts of their style into his/her own work.

How Do You Practice Honing?

We, in fact, determine how skilled we become in the sense that if we choose not to practice, we recognize that we will not move beyond the point at which we stopped.-Byron Pulsifer

Sometimes, deliberate practice for you might mean developing silly looking (at first) exercises that focus on a particular element of your skill.

Here’s what I did: In order to speed up my progress in copywriting, I decided to create a ”Copywriting Framework”.

This Framework will allow me to never drift my focus from my main objective, which is Copywriting mastery.

If you are a complete beginner though, before trying to bend the status quo, you should focus on mastering every fundamental in your skillset.

If you want to be a good writer, master the basic grammar fundamentals first, if you want to be a salesman, learn how to project good body language, etc., etc.

The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.

Michael Jordan

In Conclusion

Honing your skill happens only when you decide to get creative and act immediately. If you are a complete beginner, master the fundamentals first before going to more advanced stuff.

Fundamentals, Fundamentals, Fundamentals!-N.I




I don’t actually have a moustache, but it looks great on me, doesn’t it?