Google Ads Editor 1.3 is now live: Here is what’s new

Nikola Sirovica
4 min readApr 16, 2020


Google has updated the Google Ads Editor to the latest 1.3 version as of last week.

In a tweet posted on their official Twitter page on April 10th, Google wrote the version of Editor includes important updates, such as support for shared budgets and an improved optimization score.

We gathered all the new features into one place. Here’s what awaits you if you upgrade to the new version.

What’s new?

1. Optimization Score

When you select multiple campaigns or accounts in the grid and edit pane, Google Ads Editor will now show a combined score known as the optimization score in the edit pane next to your customer ID. Individual campaigns can be selected to see their individual optimization score.

Optimization score is an estimate of how well your Google Ads account is set to perform. It can range from 0% to 100%, with 100% meaning your account is running at its full potential.

The score is calculated using real-time data based on the settings and status of your account and campaigns. It also takes into account how recommendations could improve the account if implemented and recent recommendations history and any changes you may have made.

2. Hidden sections in edit panel

The edit panel will now allow you to hide sections that aren’t relevant to the current selection.

If in the campaigns view there are no ‘App campaigns’ selected, you will no longer see the ‘app settings’ section. If no Video campaigns are selected, you will not see the ‘video settings’ sections.

These changes should improve the usability of the Editor, reducing clutter and the amount of space needed to scroll.

3. Pop-up window for edit panel

The edit panel will now open up as a separate resizable pop-up window named ‘edit selected campaigns’. By using a seperate window, users will be able to see more columns than was the case in the previous version.

4. Adding accounts/campaigns/ad groups to account tree

In the new Google Ads Editor, users will now be able to add a custom set of accounts, campaigns or ad groups into an account tree panel.

To do this, they will need to go into the accounts, campaigns or ad groups page and check the boxes next to the group you want to add. Then select one of the rows and copy the selection to tree view.

Under tree view, you will be able to see the rows and their parent campaigns/ad groups in the account tree.

Double clicking on any row will also bring up the account tree and the row’s parent.

5. New icons for first error, warning, and info

In Google Ads Editor 1.3 you can click the icons in the summary portion of the error panel at the bottom to directly take you to the first error, warning or info. The icons work just like tabs in the edit panel.

What’s gone?

1. Support for legacy Universal App Campaigns is gone

Google Ads Editor 1.3 has removed all support for Universal App Campaigns. Legacy UACs have been almost completely migrated. You won’t be able to remove ad text, image or video fields in the campaign view.

What’s changed?

1. Discovery carousel ads

Discovery carousel ads are fully supported in the new version of the Google Ads Editor.

2. Shared budgets

Shared budgets are also fully supported in the new Editor. You will be able to create, edit, delete or switch campaigns easily from one shared budget to another.

3. Call To Action fields for bumper and non-skippable ads

CTA fields can now be found on the headline in Bumper and non-skippable video ads.

4. HTML5 fields in App install ads

Google Ads Editor now supports HTML5 fields in App Install ads. Previously, you had to upload this asset type manually on the front end. Uploading HTML5 files is now easier and more efficient.

5. Target CPA default bidding with smart campaigns

When your campaign is set for conversion tracking, the default bidding for display or smart display campaigns will be Target CPA with “pay for conversions” selected.

If your account does not have conversion tracking setup or is not eligible for Target CPA, your new Display campaigns will default to Manual CPC.

Important note

Google notes on its support page that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some support options may be unavailable or delayed. So don’t expect all of these features to be 100% live if you do decide to upgrade.

Need an alternative to the Google Ads Editor?

While the Google Ads Editor remains the standard for performance marketers, it is not perfect. Try out our alternative to the Editor to see if it works better for your workflow.

Originally published at

