A 40,000 Years Old World Knowledge Library Discovered in Magurata cave

Nikolay Peshev
10 min readMar 10, 2017


Magura is a prehistoric library, collected knowledge of the people of that time. Gallery paintings abound with symbols indicating the presence of abstract thought and lead to the understanding that the cave was recorded other knowledge, even philosophical concepts. This claim group of local researchers. For years they explored the cave, convinced that the rock images provide information about more than just the daily life of primitive people.

Hunting scenes, which depict people and animals with bows and most often illustrates the unique prehistoric paintings in Magura are actually only a tenth of the images in the cave tells Kiril Kirilov from Archaeological Society in Belogradchik. Far more strangers are drawings that describe the phases of the moon, the Earth’s motion around the sun, the distance between the Sun and Earth, and the development of the embryo in the womb. Here you can see a series of alchemical symbols and letters from a dozen scripts. And it would not be so strange if local researchers are not convinced that the cave paintings date back 40,000 years …

Meanwhile, studies of archaeologists date the first drawings of Chalcolithic (Copper Age), which are then rewritten in Bronze Age — ie 4800–3600 BC. Talking about it discovered fragments of pottery and tools. But the fact is that this mystical cave, defined as a sanctuary and most unique rock paintings in it are not well understood by specialists.

Dissatisfied with the performance of official science, the local Archaeological Society in Belogradchik attaches to describe in a special catalog of all the paintings in Magura. They counted a total of 1031 individual images. The idea is by setting up a comprehensive map they can be read and analyzed and to seek parallels with other rock paintings in the world. This would give greater clarity to the era in which they are made Nagurski drawings. Just so is the recommendation of two experts from the National Museum and Research Centre Altamira, Spain, who visited Magura in October last year They were invited by the Minister of Culture for consultation on the nomination of Magura drawings for inclusion in the List of World Heritage by UNESCO. Spanish experts recommend namely the elaboration of a catalog detailing and mapping the location of each of the images required for the preparation of documents for the nomination and approval to UNESCO.

Local researchers Magura has already discovered analog — the plate of ivory from a cave in the valley Ah in Germany. It has an image of a human figure with raised by a crown overhead hands — one of the most common drawings in Magura. The plate is aged 32500–38000 and is deemed to have transferred the migration of Cro-Magnons from the east. In this migration primitive people pass through the Balkan Peninsula before moving to the West. This may be the reason to believe that some of the paintings in Magura are the same age.

One of the most popular images in Magura are animals — less than 10 in number. Some of them are quite strange for our latitudes. One of the paintings is a giraffe. “Actually giraffes lived in Europe for 12 to 000 years, to when continued last ice age,” says Kirilov. During the Ice Age large amounts of water have been locked in glaciers and therefore the level of the oceans and seas were lower, and in place of the Mediterranean was no land connection between the continents. Mediterranean has begun to form with the melting of these glaciers, somewhere 12–13000 years. The presence of giraffes and other strange animals shows that the drawings are older than 12 000 years, says Kirilov. Similarly, in the Chauvet Cave in southern France, where they found some of the oldest prehistoric paintings in the world about 32 000 years, see lions and rhinos, among mammoths, horses, and bears.

Assumptions of local researchers Magura are even more intriguing when trying to read another strange image — Giraffe and his human figure with the same height. They interpreted as an attempt ancient inhabitants of the cave to compare. “People then must have been high almost 3 and a half or four meters, but such were the Atlanteans, whose civilization disappeared about 12,000 years,” admitted Kirilov. According to him far more mysterious and essential of hunting scenes are images of male and female figures with multiple characters. Seemingly sexual scenes, according to Kirilov, give information about something far more important — physical and spiritual devotion to the common man by higher beings. Depicted is the supreme deity — goddess mother and scenes that can be construed as rebirth. The Sacred place is the sunny room with incredible drawings the position of the Earth relative to the sun at different times of the year. “People of that time knew that the Earth orbits the Sun counterclockwise, which corresponds to reality. They knew also that in winter it is closest, and in summer is far away — it’s amazing!” exclaims Kirilov.

At first glance, all 1031 paintings are apparent chaos but describe their overall card makes it possible to systematize, to unite in meaningful groups and read as we read the book. Magura records show high knowledge of primitive people. One hypothesis is that this knowledge and inspiration it has been depicted has come from an external source for the people — God or aliens.

Kirilov is a mystery as for how the 26 characters in Magura look as initial letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. According to his own research in Magura, there is a complex system of representation of numbers with dots and lines. It relies upon images that show how many days continued for a year, month, the week.

Can be found many parallels between records in Magura and philosophical concepts we use in the modern world, says Kirilov. Therefore, according to him, it is necessary to attract serious interest to a qualitatively new level to study the drawings and their impact on mankind.

Characters are narrative, added millennia

Drawings from Magura cave is divided at least into two ages, as it is known by their degree of convexity of the wall. The rock is limestone, which over time effloresces. In the gallery the paintings it becomes much slower than outdoors due to lack of air currents and running water. This is the driest place in the cave.

A little more than 100 drawings — 10% of all in the gallery, protruding from the wall, in some cases protrusion reaches up to 1 cm. The reason for this is that the bat guano, which are painted prehistoric people, sealed the wall just below the drawing, while environmental, unprotected rock, albeit slowly erode. How many millennia would have to pass to get a bulge than 1 cm on the wall at this extremely low rate of erosion at this location in the cave? Here Kirilov quoted assumptions of cryptography specialist Stefan Guide, it was a period of 40 000 to 100 000 years

The remaining 90% of the paintings are flat, which means they are made in very remote periods in time. In the style of painting, however, is almost complete similarity using the same elements. This gives rise to researchers from the local archaeological society to believe that drawings from Magura are a comprehensive and continuous narrative, no matter that he was starting thousands of years before it was completed. How is it possible one thought to be initiated at some point after millennia to be completed as if no time is not past? Kirilov raises two hypotheses. One is that through these paintings, ancient people transmit knowledge given to them by an external source, who began his story, interrupted it for some reason and thousands of years later finished his story. Another hypothesis is that people have abandoned the Balkans for a long time, but have left here with the knowledge and later returned and finished the story. What have people fled from the Balkans? Before about 39 000 years erupts especially powerful volcano south of Sicily, which covers Central and Eastern Europe with over a meter of ash. It is possible to have run from this disaster.

Now signs of torches, smoke or a fire! How they managed to ensure light in the cave remains the mystery.

Several niches and small arms in the gallery paintings separated and hidden from the main visitor flow baffle researchers. In contrast to the smoky ceiling than most places with paintings in the gallery, their vaults were clean and white, although there are images.

Smoky ceilings would have to show that artists have shown with the help of torches or something. For torches, ancient people used various oils that burn. When burning your oils and resins emit significant amounts of soot that are deposited on the ceilings and can remain there for thousands of years, as are hydrogen, which does not decompose.

I think the torches are used later in the reading of the drawings, not when created allowed Kiril Kirilov. He thinks so because of the locations of the individual groups of drawings where fumigation is not noticed. As no notice and upon entering the gallery with the paintings — the first 40 meters of it does contain images and there ceiling is clean. The explanation is that in the past people with torches were passed quickly, and the height of the gallery there is about 4 meters. Over the first drawings but the ceiling is completely black, that are the most popular hunting scenes. If the “artists” are not used torches, what are your world while painting? Could drawings from Magura be made with the use of non-smoking sources of light and an initial ceiling was clean over all the paintings? Perhaps the residents of these places have held a high-tech lighting torches funds, which have served for centuries, and even millennia later those who have relied upon their paintings, said Kirilov.

Monster Rabisha Lake

Close to Magura is Rabisha Lake — the only testons in the country. Origin due to the shifting of earth layers in which is formed the valley, which is filled with water. Its depth is 40 m. In the past, however, the local population is believed that it is bottomless. A local story tells of a shepherd who missed his crook in the lake and it appeared later in the Timok. Today, this can be explained by the underground rivers that connect the lake with other bodies of water. The underwater river may be associated with Magura Rabisha lake. His legend is that it is inhabited by a monster with a bull’s head. The most common legend is that Rabbi (as locals call the monster) is a child of a huge dragon that was buried in one of the halls of Magura — Landslip. According to legends recorded 160 years ago in the book Bulgarian ethnography, cave dragon taken a people from the local community trained them and then returned them to communicate what they have learned. Similar legend researchers Archaeological Society in Belogradchik found in distant Australia, its southeastern coast, where Aborigines believed in a human lizard that lives in a cave and goes to help people in need. They called it … Jaguar. The similarity with the name of the cave is very mysterious.

So according to our legend, after the death of the dragon, Rabbi moved to the lake and since then people around sometimes hear his roar at night. Water but allow then goes hunting for large livestock or to collect the bloody tax — the most beautiful girl from the village. The legend continues — Rabbi fell in love with one of them married to her still living in the lake.

Rabisha lake is an outstanding natural anomaly. It has almost no catchment and non-draining. Given that this water is still and stagnant, according to the logic should become a smelly swamp. Only it is not. The water is sweet, clear, great-tasting, odorless. Another miracle of the lake is that its upper layers are warm while descending deeper waters are icy.

from Wikipedia

Magura is near. Rabisha, 25 km northwest of Belogradchik. It is one of the biggest Bulgarian caves. Floor area is estimated at over 28 600 so. M and the displacement of over 65,535 cups. M. The cave has several entrances, the largest high 2.80 meters wide and 6 meters, in the southern slope of the mound. The outcome leads to Rabisha Lake, the only tectonic lake in the country.

The first traces of human presence in the cave date back 12,000 years. In studies cultural layer distinguish several layered settlements — remnants of homes, fireplaces, furnaces, tools of stone, bone, metal, ceramics. Found bones of the cave bear, cave hyena, wild horse, ox, deer, roe deer and others.

Pearls of the cave are undoubtedly unique rock paintings. Experts said they are at least 7,000 years Depicted are sacred and hunting scenes. Solar calendar from the late Eneolith additives in Bronze Age surprise with his great accuracy and precision.



Nikolay Peshev

Ph.D. Student. Interested in Human Resources and Coaching. Love to paddle