How to use Atom with your Raspberry Pi through SFTP

Nikos Mouroutis
2 min readJul 10, 2018


Quick guide on how to use Atom on your MAC to edit files on your Raspberry Pi over SFTP

To setup your raspberry, connect it on your local WiFi and enable SSH access read my quick guid here: [How to setup your Raspberry Pi and connect to it through SSH and your local WiFi]

Follow this steps:

  • Download and install Atom
  • Open Atom and go to “preferences” (or type + , )
  • Go to “Insatall” tab
  • Search for “remote-ftp” and click “install”
  • Create a folder on your computer and name it “raspberry”
  • Go back to Atom and Go to File > Open… and select the folder you just made
  • Go to Packages > Remote FTP > Create SFTP Config File
  • Now open the .ftpconfig file that we just created and overwrite it with the following JSON
"protocol": "sftp",
"host": "raspberrypi.local",
"port": 22,
"user": "pi",
"pass": "raspberry",
"promptForPass": false,
"remote": "/",
"local": "",
"agent": "",
"privatekey": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
"passphrase": "",
"hosthash": "",
"ignorehost": true,
"connTimeout": 10000,
"keepalive": 10000,
"keyboardInteractive": false,
"keyboardInteractiveForPass": false,
"remoteCommand": "",
"remoteShell": "",
"watch": [],
"watchTimeout": 500

You may need to change the “password” if you don’t use the default

  • Go to Packages > Remote FTP > Connect

Now you can see on the left side the file tree of your Raspberry Pi file system.

I you can’t see it, go to Packages > Remote FTP > Toggle


Thats it, now every time you want to open your Raspberry Pi files you can

  • open Atom
  • Go to File > Open…
  • open the file called “raspberry” you created
  • Go to Packages > Remote FTP > Connect

