A Mother’s Revenge; The Story of Marianne Bachmeier

Nikki Young
9 min readMar 23, 2023

A mother’s love is like no other — I truly believe this. This is the story of Marianne Bachmeier, a mother who could no longer hold in all of her rage. Her 7-year-old daughter would be murdered by an absolute monster named Klaus Grabowski. When faced with him at trial, Marianne would open fire on her daughter’s killer, striking him with six bullets. Now Marianne would be the one on trial, for murdering her child’s murderer. But how would she fare in the court of public opinion?

Who Was Marianne Bachmeier?

Before we she was a mother, Marianne was a little girl who grew up in Sarstedt, Germany. Her parents had fled to this area from East Prussia after World War 2. Her father had been a member of the Waffen-SS, which is the combat branch of the Nazi Party’s SS organization. He was an angry violent man who drank all of the time, leading to Marianne’s parent’s divorce when she was just little. Her mother would re-marry and she would live with her mother and stepfather for the majority of her life.

It was not an easy living situation. Marianne would describe her home life as a dictatorship. She said her stepfather was incredibly strict and perceived her to be a difficult teenager. It was a very conservative, religious household with a lot of rules that she had difficulty following. Eventually…



Nikki Young

Host of true crime podcast, Serial Napper. Let me guide you through some of the craziest true crime stories you‘ve never heard of.