Nila Phi
4 min readJan 11, 2023


AI is changing lives, already.

Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing. And, it’s already here!

In this article, I’ll discuss how AI is already used in our everyday lives and how it will affect our daily routines in the near future. So let’s get started!

AI and robotics.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are becoming more and more important for a variety of different industries.

For example, in manufacturing, AI is used to prevent defects and speed up production. In construction, robots can be used to automate the building process from start to finish. In healthcare, robots can help with surgery or diagnose diseases quickly and accurately without needing a human being’s assistance.

AI and healthcare.

AI is already changing the way we diagnose and treat diseases. It can help us predict patient outcomes, improve treatment plans, and even spot signs of illness before they become symptoms. The future of AI in healthcare is bright, but there are still some challenges that need to be addressed before it becomes widespread.

AI and education.

The use of artificial intelligence in education is a relatively new phenomenon, but it has already made a significant impact on the way students learn.

This includes everything from AI-based tutoring systems that help teachers teach to virtual assistants that can answer student questions and give them advice on their assignments.

Using AI, educational content can be created more efficiently than ever before. For example, an algorithm could be used to match up students with teachers based on their learning styles, interests and preferences; another could generate personalised lesson plans based on each student’s performance over time.

The possibilities when it comes to using artificial intelligence in education are endless!

AI and the environment.

One of the biggest challenges for humans is understanding the environment. The environment is complex, multifaceted and holistic, so it’s hard for us to keep track of all the different aspects that affect the environment. AI can help us better understand and manage environmental impact because AI can process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, making it easier to identify patterns in our interactions with nature.

AI also has a big role to play in finding ways to reduce our environmental impact — which will be essential if we want future generations (and other species) to have clean air, water, food and land available for their use.

AI and future jobs.

AI will replace many jobs, but it will also create new jobs. AI will be used to do jobs that are too dangerous or too boring for humans.

AI and the future of work is a topic that’s generated quite a bit of buzz recently, with some experts warning about the potential for mass unemployment as businesses are increasingly automating processes using AI technology. However, there are also some who believe that AI could ultimately lead to greater productivity and prosperity for economies around the world — if governments can help ensure people benefit from this new era in tech innovation by educating themselves on how it works and preparing accordingly. A report released by PwC earlier this year predicted that automation will result in over 9% loss of employment across all sectors over next decade — with nearly half of those job losses coming from manufacturing industries alone (though services industries account for nearly two thirds).

Artificial Intelligence is going to be everywhere in the near future, affecting every aspect of our lives, so we should learn about it now.

AI is a broad term that describes the intelligence exhibited by machines. It varies greatly in scope and complexity, with AI ranging from Siri’s ability to complete simple tasks like setting alarms or finding directions, all the way up to Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo system, which can beat human champions at Go — a game that has been considered impossible for computers to master for years.

Both artificial general intelligence (AGI) and narrow AI are currently being researched by teams around the world. AGI refers to a computer capable of performing human-level tasks across multiple domains: physical movement, sensory perception, speech recognition and expression, written language comprehension, task planning and execution. In contrast, narrow AI refers to systems designed for limited purposes like playing chess or searching for information on internet search engines like Google or Bing — systems that aren’t truly intelligent because they only excel at one particular task rather than exhibiting general problem solving abilities across multiple domains like humans do every day when we think through our actions before deciding whether we want coffee now or later today.


I hope this article has convinced you of the importance of Artificial Intelligence. It’s going to change our world in ways we can barely imagine, so it’s important that we all learn about it now!

