Is creativity derived by education?

Nilansh Arora
4 min readJul 13, 2020


Education and Academics have been playing a pivotal role in upholding the economic conditions of any country. They have become the utmost measure to define the first impression for any person. They help us gather ourselves when we begin to grow and make us stand and compete with the vibrant society.

The essence of education is so deeply injected in today’s life that we attach a feeling of fear in our mind if denied.

Education surely empowers us and makes us confident, but does it guarantee a normal person with the success he dreams of ? — The answer is “NO”

Does being approved in the society has a direct proportionality with one’s academics ? — The answer is “YES”

Now wait, shouldn’t being a “successful person” have that direct proportion, but no ! We people really pass on judgements so soon, that a person is inclined to indulge into words and numbers, even if we finds no interest in them. Education, merely academics has been set as a primary epitome of respect in other’s eyes, which has been always demanding to feel some sense of importance.

Trying to find success in something you have no interest in, plays a vital aspect in defeating the purpose of creativity inside you.

Creativity acts as the most intriguing and fascinating ingredient in defining the true story of a jubilant individual. Creativity helps in defining the true potential and manifests itself differently in every person. It brings a sense of enjoyment and makes a person deal with good or bad with equanimity.

More we are put into the growing thrills of academics, the more we are stifled from our creativity. We lose the utter sense of potential in the very beginning when we are forced to compete with the world on things we do not have interest in. These actions solely make our brains move towards the same path line that has been laid out the previous generation making the same mistakes.

Smiling faces do not reflect happy and contended faces. Letting a person listen to his heart does !

Ken Robinson put up a great example of a small girl, who couldn’t perform well with her academics and was a terrible student. She used to keep looking out of the window, never paying attention to the class and also felt very uncomfortable being seated in the same place for long. Finally, it made her parents to take her to a psychologist, who understood her mind in a matter of minutes. He left her alone listen to some music through the radio, asked her to be seated for some time and made her parents watch through a glass window. The girl was immediately on her feat, dancing to the tune of the music. That is when the psychologist asked her parents to make her join a dance school. And then began the story of one of the most creative and successful dancer/choreographer of her time — Gillian Lynne. Being creative was something that made her a success rather than the orthodox academics.

Finally the question arrives —Is creativity derived by education? According to me — it is both ways. Creativity is even reflected through some branches of education, which we first read and learn and then dive deep into with with utmost interests. But at many places, you do not require any understanding or experience with math or numbers or fancy sentences. Creativity can definitely lead you to education, but the opposite is not always true.

There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same pattern — Edward De Bono

We need to experiment our life with our creativity.

Lets not consider ourselves us to be useless according to the ongoing status quo.

Trying to settle down in a very early phase of life would never bring the satisfaction we kind of look for. Being wrong with our decisions help us gain the experience of actual learning in make the right ones. If we are not prepared to be wrong, we’ll never come up with anything original. And creativity demands being original. We try so many different variations and we tend to fail in many, but that contributes to being creative.

Try thinking deep down some of the dreams you had when you were a kid. Give it some time ………… You surely have an ability which got halted due to some needs of proving yourself to the society as a normal go-to-school student and passing with good grades. That was really a time we wish we had this crucial understanding. But the hope is not lost. Let us be the generation which would really impart the best possible ideas to the coming generations and help them brush down their creative enthusiasms from the very beginning and never let them lose them.

I surely feel we should discuss some more aspects and would be writing more on such fundamental truths of life and how traditional academics are overruling the potentials we could have. Lets meet soon :)

