General Knowledge Prompting: A Powerful Tool for Language Models

3 min readMar 24, 2024


In the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence, language models are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. General Knowledge Prompting (GKP) is a revolutionary technique that unlocks the true potential of these models by allowing them to leverage existing knowledge to perform various tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Demystifying GKP

Imagine a student preparing for an exam. They don’t just memorize facts, they build connections between them to understand the bigger picture. GKP works similarly. It involves providing a large language model (LLM) with additional information or “prompts” related to a specific task. These prompts act as knowledge bridges, guiding the LLM towards a more informed and insightful response.

There are two main approaches to GKP:

  • Providing background knowledge: This involves giving the LLM relevant information about the topic at hand. This could be factual details, historical context, or even related concepts. For example, if you’re asking the LLM to write a poem about love, you might provide prompts about different types of love, famous love stories, or evocative imagery.
  • Specifying task instructions: Here, you outline the specific goal you want the LLM to achieve. This could be anything from writing a factual summary to crafting a creative story.

By combining these approaches, GKP empowers LLMs to excel in various tasks:

  • Enhanced reasoning: With access to relevant knowledge, LLMs can make stronger logical connections and draw more informed conclusions.
  • Improved factual accuracy: Prompts can help LLMs avoid factual errors and ensure their responses are grounded in reality.
  • Increased creativity: GKP can spark new ideas by providing prompts that push the LLM beyond its typical response patterns.

Unleashing the Power of GKP with Prompts

Let’s explore how GKP can be applied with specific prompts:

Prompt 1: Writing a Historical Fiction Story

  • Background Knowledge:
  • Provide information about the French Revolution (key events, figures, social climate).
  • Share details about the daily life of a commoner during that time period.
  • Task Instructions:
  • Write a story from the perspective of a young baker living in Paris during the French Revolution.
  • Include a subplot where the baker witnesses a pivotal historical event.

Prompt 2: Summarizing a Scientific Article

  • Background Knowledge:
  • Briefly explain the concept of climate change and its causes.
  • Define key scientific terms like greenhouse gases and carbon emissions.
  • Task Instructions:
  • Summarize the main points of a research article titled “The Impact of Deforestation on Global Warming.”
  • Focus on the methods used and the key findings of the study.

Prompt 3: Generating a Restaurant Review

  • Background Knowledge:
  • Share details about different culinary styles (Italian, Mexican, etc.).
  • Explain what makes a good dining experience (ambience, service, food quality).
  • Task Instructions:
  • Write a review of a recently opened Italian restaurant you visited.
  • Describe the atmosphere, the service you received, and your overall impression of the food.
  • Include specific details about dishes you tried.

By incorporating GKP, you can unlock the true potential of language models, turning them into powerful tools for learning, creating, and understanding the world around us.




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