Is React Killing Angular?

Nilesh Shinde
3 min readNov 22, 2023


Image credit: IJS


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the battle between JavaScript frameworks continues to be a topic of discussion. Among the contenders, React and Angular have emerged as two prominent players, each with its strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we'll explore whether React is, in fact, killing Angular or if the two can coexist in the dynamic world of front-end development.

The Rise of React:

React, developed by Facebook, gained rapid popularity for its simplicity, flexibility, and a virtual DOM that enhances performance. Its component-based architecture allows developers to build modular and reusable UI components, fostering a more maintainable codebase. The vibrant ecosystem around React, including the popular state management library Redux, further contributed to its widespread adoption.

Angular's Journey:

Angular, originally developed by Google, has undergone significant transformations. AngularJS, the first version, was known for its two-way data binding and ease of use. However, with the release of Angular 2 and subsequent versions, the framework was rewritten to address scalability and performance issues. The introduction of TypeScript brought static typing to Angular, offering developers a more robust toolset.

Coexistence or Competition?

React's success led many developers to question the future of Angular. However, it's essential to recognize that both frameworks have found their niches. React's lightweight and flexible nature make it an excellent choice for smaller projects and startups. On the other hand, Angular's opinionated structure and extensive features cater to large-scale enterprise applications.

Angular's Learning Curve:

One factor often discussed in the React vs. Angular debate is the learning curve. React's gradual adoption and minimalistic design make it easier for newcomers to grasp. Angular, with its extensive documentation and TypeScript integration, may be perceived as more complex initially. However, this complexity can become an advantage for larger projects where strong architecture and organization are crucial.

Community and Ecosystem:

React's vibrant community and the vast ecosystem of libraries and tools have contributed significantly to its success. The ease of integration with other technologies and the popularity of React Native for mobile development have further expanded its reach. Angular, while not as expansive, boasts a dedicated community and comprehensive documentation, making it a solid choice for developers seeking a more opinionated framework.


In conclusion, it would be oversimplified to declare that React is killing Angular. Both frameworks have proven their worth in different scenarios. React's agility and simplicity make it a favorite for many developers, especially in the startup world. Angular, with its robust architecture and enterprise-level features, continues to thrive in larger applications.

The real question might not be about the demise of Angular but rather the coexistence of these frameworks in a diverse and evolving ecosystem. As developers, the key is to understand the strengths of each framework and choose the one that aligns with the specific requirements of the project at hand. The React vs. Angular debate is not a zero-sum game; instead, it reflects the richness and diversity of choices available to developers in the ever-expanding realm of web development.



Nilesh Shinde

Hi 👋 myself Nilesh Shinde. Freelance Full Stack Web Developer. Capable in MERN Stack, System design , Scalable Application and other technologies.