Let there be light!

Niloy Sarkar
1 min readAug 24, 2020


I know not if this is a fiction to be true

Or is it a mere trickery of the mind by

Its sailing day dreaming crew.

But be whatever it may,

Thou hast inspired my ink to flood away

Breaking away its stagnant drought,

You have ressurected the wounded soildier out.

A sleepy fighter I, Have not much might

With my blunt pen I put up my fight

I know not if I love thee,

But love I do, The ones that doth

Fill my heart with valor and glee.

Know not I, if this string with thou shall last,

To the end of times, in a universe so vast.

Maybe the Depressing Darkness approaches soon,

I pray I have the lights of the Shining Moon.

If poets are craftsmen of flattery, then words are tools.

Yet to talk of you, and your doings

I am but a short handed fool.

Poet’s in praise lie and that I know,

Yet their verses have rhythm with truth which glow.

Epics of Fame, Glory and Reign,

They talk of, Triumph and Defeat, love and pain,

I shall but speak of one that is burning bright.

A light in my darkness, A Brave Moonlit Knight!



Niloy Sarkar

I am a graduate from Dhaka University. My love for writing has brought me to you. If there is anything you want me to write on, I am at your service.