Make visual regression testing easier

Nima Soroush
2 min readJan 2, 2018

Visual regression testing always been a challenge to UI developers. Responsive layouts are very difficult to be tested manually and with some richer UIs, it is almost impossible.

Variety of technologies and workflows exist which try to to solve this issue in their own ways. In this article we discuss about Differencify which creates and runs automated visual regression tests.

Differencify uses Puppeteer which is a headless chrome browser developed by google chrome group. Differencify can be integrated with different testing frameworks and task runners to make visual comparisons between the baseline version of the website and the version in development.

Differencify can be integrated with any test or task runner and it is quite independent to which test framework been used. It also integrates very well with Jest framework and has some built-in functionalities for it. In this article I just use Jest as example.

To start using Differencify you need to install it via

npm install differencify

Then in your test file

