Partnering with Enjin Coin to launch Containment Corps into an exciting new realm.

Containment Corps
5 min readFeb 5, 2019


An exhilarating new chapter in the ongoing development of your favorite laser bow, swamp alien encounter.

Today we are elated and humbled to announce we are teaming up with Enjin as part of the their early adopter’s program, to link Containment Corps with blockchain technology.

What is Containment Corps?

Containment Corps is an online first person (bow) shooter that mixes elements of tower defense, cooperative strategy and traditional FPS action.

The game launched on Steam Early Access a little over a year ago. Since then the team has slowly but steadily continued to make progress by fixing issues and refining our game systems.

Blockchain enters the fold

Individuals on the development team have been interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain for years, as we found the potential of decentralized and truly transparent digital assets an incredibly appealing concept.

Enjin: Blockchain for Games

Enjin was one of the first large blockchain related teams that showed how this concept could be transferred to games. Utilizing their tools teams are able to assign value to in-game items that can then be immortalized on the blockchain with particular rarities and statistics.

Enjin’s platform gives in-game items recognizably global value and allows them to be more readily exchangeable. But this been true for a while, think of people selling their WoW accounts or buying gold from some Chinese gold farmers on a sketchy site. Possibly now, game items that utilize ENJ will all be connected across multiple games and be able to easily be sold for other currencies. What is eliminated now though is fraud, sketchy secondary economies, and people hacking into other’s accounts, as all items and their specific values are visible on the blockchain.

This also means that your stuff lives beyond our game. Anything you unlock is stored in your wallet, and if you delete the game, or even if we stop making it, your items stay yours.

This seems great for the consumer, now they don’t have to worry about spending money on a game they aren’t sure if they will be playing for a long time, and they have the possibility of making some real cash from their gaming related activities. But what about the developers, what about us?

Why Enjin, why Blockchain?

Being able to give players such a great incentive to spend time in our game by allowing them to realize the value of their hard earned in-game items is a win-win scenario.

This gives players greater reason to check our game out, their time spent can ultimately be cashed out if they don’t like the direction Containment Corps is going in, or if they simply want to transfer that value into something else.

In today’s Steam climate with such massive volume and sometimes unreliable discoverability, we want to do everything we can to get people in our game, using abilities, and killing swamp aliens.

Before high scores and seeing how long you can survive were the only drivers for general replay value, now Enjin allows us to transcend our in-game economy and exponentially multiply replay-ability, progression, and overall engagement.

How exactly will Containment Corps utilize Enjin?

Items tied to Abilities:

Crafting Items:

Players eventually will be able to earn crafting materials which can then in turn be smelted together to create items, which will be visible in an Enjin wallet.


Eventually we will be adding purely cosmetic items that can be used to enhance a player’s character in the form of skins, helmets, and name colors. Also players can customize their individual hubs, by adding new sections and spicing up their essential customization stations.


There are creative ways we can use Enjin and blockchain to even assist with the development process of Containment Corps. We plan to frequently post polls on important development decisions, which can then be weighed by assessing the feeling of a truly decentralized and committed community.

Since we are a small development team, we can also offer rewards based on smart contracts which reward dedicated community members for helping test certain releases for high scrutiny game updates. Expect us to roll out reward programs like this in the near future.


Unlike a lot of other blockchain “game” projects right now, Containment Corps is focused on providing the player quality gameplay first and foremost. We see utilization of Enjin as a way to provide both a revenue model and engagement booster for a game that already exists, as opposed to using it to hype vaporware. We hope that we can leverage the passionate community dedicated to supporting the blockchain space to try new things and show players some new and intriguing use cases for game development as a whole.

Play Soon for FREE

To pair with this exciting news, Nimbus Interactive is happy to announce that Containment Corps will soon be going FREE TO PLAY. Expect an update from the team very soon with the exact date. We want players to be able to check out the game and give us feedback as soon as possible. Even though not all of the Enjin related mechanics will be set up immediately, the infrastructure that all of this will be based around is already set up and ready for the community to get eyes on.

Get our founder’s token:

The first 750 members to join our Discord Channel will receive our Founder’s Token that you can add to your Enjin Wallet:


Expect news soon after our Free to Play launch with details about special pre-sale items that players can purchase. These items will be directly used to enhance content that you can already check out now on Steam, or for free in the coming days.

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