Leadership vs Management

Nimesh Desai
2 min readJul 4, 2024


There are many definition of Leader. A very simple one is — someone who leads (a group of people).

On the similar lines, a simple definition of a manager is — someone who manages (a group of people).

In corporates, quite often these terms are mixed. But in reality, they are quite different.

Management is a role or position. This is a title given to an individual with added responsibilities. The respect and authority that person commands over the team comes because of that title.

On the contrary, leadership is a character. It has very little to do with a specific job title or role. Rather exhibiting leadership without authority is one of the most defining character of a leader. That one can inspire, guide and lead without a title is a great reflection of leadership qualities.

All leaders are capable of managing, but not all managers become leaders.

As highlighted in my earlier post, leaders create a thriving environment for the team that ensure these characteristics.

- Psychological safety
- Transparency and clarity
- Support and dependability
- Vision and guidance

Why understanding of this distinction is important?

Quite often, the management titles alone are looked as leadership experience. There is definitely some merit in having direct experience of managing a team. But these acquired experiences should not be the only criteria while choosing leaders.

Therefore it is a valid question for HRs and hiring managers —

When it comes to hiring, are you looking for a manager or a leader?

