Head First Java Chapter 01 — Breaking the Surface

Nimesh Mendis
2 min readJun 8, 2022


Hello Readers,

This article is to highlight the main points include in the chapter.

  • Write-once / Run anywhere, Because Java is consider as a Platform Independent Language.

The way Java works

  • Write the Source codeCompile the Source Code → Compiler Creates the Java Bytecode (.class) → Bytecode can run on any device through JVM
Source: Head First Java

Structure of a class

  • When the JVM starts running, JVM looking for a especial class called main
  • Then JVM executing every lines in main class inside the {}.
Source: Head First Java

What can you say in the main method?

  • Your code can tell JVM to:
  1. Do SomethingStatements : declaration, assignments, method calls, etc.
  2. Do Something Again and AgainLoops : For, While, Do While loops
  3. Do Something Under a ConditionBranches : If Else, Switch cases


The key to a loop is the conditional test. In Java, a conditional test is an expression that results in a Boolean value — in other words, something that is either true or false.

You can do a simple Boolean test by checking the value of a variable, using a comparison operator including:

  • < (Less than)
  • > (Greater Than)
  • == (Equality)

Condition Branches

In Java, an if test is basically the same as the Boolean test in a while loop — except instead of saying, “while there’s still beer…”, you’ll say, “if there’s still beer…” (Source: Head First Java)


  • Statements end in a semicolon ;
  • Code blocks are defined by a pair of curly braces { }
  • Declare an int variable with a name and a type: int x;
  • The assignment operator is one equals sign =
  • The equals operator uses two equals signs ==
  • A while loop runs everything within its block (defined by curly braces) as long as the conditional test is true.
  • If the conditional test is false, the while loop code block won’t run, and execution will move down to the code immediately after the loop block.
  • Put a Boolean test inside parentheses: while (x == 4) { }

