Image 1-what is droppshipping (


Nimesh wijesiri


That’s what makes dropshipping such a great business model.By outsourcing manufacturing,warehousing,and shipping to third party seller,enterpreneurs are able to keep costs law and focus their time on marketing their products.

Basic requirements to become a dropshipper..

  • Buyer Account
Image 2- aliexpress (

First of all, we need to create an account as a customer to buy products. For that, we need to connect with agencies like AliExpress, Salehoo, which usually have low prices.there is a considerable lack of product prices on these websites, and we need to extract the information and pictures of the product to be sold.

  • Seller Account
Image 3 - e bay (

Setting up the account where we sell the goods is a very important part and should be done with great care and attention.A small mistake can also get the account banned. Also, the older the account is set up, the more value it has. It is determined on the basis of customer satisfaction and their feedbacks.

  • Paypal or Payoneer Account
Image 4 - paypal & payoneer (

These accounts are required to transfer money over the internet, and we must use only our true information for this account, just like our true information provided when creating a bank account.By setting this up and linking a card in our existing bank account to it, our rupees are credited to this account and thus used in commodity transactions as dollars.

Droppshipping process……..

Image 5 - droppshipping process (

First of all, we need to find an application or a website to buy goods. For this, we should choose an online market where the prices are usually low. Because we cannot afford the huge initial cost to buy goods. For example, aliexpress, salehoo.

In this way, even if we find the goods, we do not buy them, we only extract the pictures and relevant information of the goods we find, and then those pictures and information are displayed in our account on the website where we hope to sell the goods. We need to increase the amount of the site, in the end it is our profit, when we choose the site where we want to sell these products, usually it should be one that sells millions of products with high prices and a large number of customers who surf online every day. Take E-bay for example.

It is possible. First of all, we must create an account to sell the goods and display the information of the goods in that account as announced above. The goods will not be sold during the first exhibition season and for that our account must be open for some time for its customers. It is also customer trust and willingness. builds on In this way, if a customer buys a product from us, the same amount will be credited to our paypal or payoneer account and the website will inform us about it and what we need to do is to go to the website where we got the product information and buy it and ship it to the relevant customer's address. When we buy from the relevant website, our paypal or The payoneer account is paid from the amount paid by the customer and the profit remains in our account.

Finally, the relevant product will be in the hands of the customer who bought it and the amount we have increased and sold is our profit, and the validity of our account will be determined based on the feedback given by customers after purchasing the product.

Who are the RICHEST DROPSHIPPERS in the world..?

  • Mr.Andreas & Mr.Alexander
Image 6 - Andreas & Alexander

@Andreas Koenig & @Alexander Pecka

are among the richest dropshippers. They first came across the dropshipping idea in 2018.

Intrigued by the idea, they created their first online store with Shopify. With toothpaste dispenser as their preferred product, the Australian Entrepreneurs launched their store and set up Facebook ads.

  • Mr.Harry Coleman
Image 7 - Harry Coleman

This is not an overnight success story, but it made @Harry one of the richest dropshippers in the end.The entrepreneur made about $5 million in revenue in 2018 managing three dropshipping stores. He first came across the dropshipping idea in 2016 when he first heard about AliExpress dropshipping.

  • Mr.Cole Turner
Image 8 - Cole Turner

@Cole Turner learned about dropshipping when he was just 18 years old but soon became obsessed with the idea. This curiosity saw him realize $2 million in sales between March 2019 and May 2020 through dropshipping, making him one of the richest dropshippers. When he first started dropshipping, Cole was running a general store.

Accounting to my opinion….

This is a clear source of income that anyone from school age can easily engage in. Although I am not able to reveal all the information related to this in this article, you can get more information from you tube, and there are a large number of online courses to teach this method correctly. It has been introduced. And if you hope to engage in this, start it by following the right guidelines. I can’t say that everyone who does this will necessarily succeed, but with personal dedication and interest, you can easily earn money from this. Regardless of a job or any activity. It is enough to spend a short time in a day for this. It is not possible to make big profits at once. The number of future customers is determined according to the feedback given by customers to their account. It is possible to succeed, if you start correctly and work diligently, the results will be yours one day....

Image 9 - paypal credit card (
Image 10 -My article page 1
Image 11 - my article page 2

