How to quickly ramp up and excel in your new job!

Nimish Jalan
2 min readMar 9, 2023


“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” ~ Alan Cohen

Excelling in your new job quickly will set you apart.

How do you approach the start of a new job?
Do you start at the bottom of the mountain to get to the top? Or do you learn from people that came before you?

Standing on the shoulders of people who came before you change your starting position. It is more beneficial than you can imagine.

We all have started on someone’s shoulders unconsciously all our life.

How did you learn calculus in school? Isaac Newton climbed the calculus mountain years ago. And while you might never reach the summit, you’re able to take the learnings of Isaac Newton and shorten your learning curve. You certainly didn’t have to work out everything for yourself.

Similarly, when starting a new job, finding the person that just got promoted from the role you got hired for would help you understand the tools, the techniques and the skills that worked in the situation you are coming into.

Whereas, if you speak to someone who executed the same job decades ago, the specific advice isn’t as relevant.


Because most of what you learn in school changes slowly. In the real world, a lot of what you need to know to get ahead changes quickly. As times have changed and so have a lot of the methods to execute work.

And that means finding someone with a lot of experience and learning from them isn’t the best approach. Instead finding someone who was recently in the place you are planning to reach will be a lot more beneficial.

To grow in your job quickly and do it well — find someone a step or two ahead of you.

For generic life-based advice — go to someone who has a lot of years of work experience under their belt.

To me, this is one of the best approaches you can adopt when you are starting a new job.



Nimish Jalan

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)