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Learning from the Unrelated

Looking for Fresh Ideas? Here’s a Secret To Find Them

The Art of Finding New Ideas in Unlikely Places

Nimish Jalan
2 min readNov 21, 2023


Regardless of your profession, experience or industry, coming up with fresh ideas can be daunting.

Ask a writer or an entrepreneur and they will know!

Sometimes, the constant pursuit of new ideas can get overwhelming and keep you stuck in your head.

While there are many ways to help you get over this, I want to share one technique that can help you come up with new ideas and leave behind old patterns.

Before I do, do you know the similarity between…

The automobile and meat industry.


Music and toy industry.

Henry Ford, the legendary founder and pioneer of the assembly line in the automobile industry drew inspiration from the meat packaging industry.

Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park discusses how he found inspiration from industries like technology and toys for breakthroughs in his music.

These are just two examples of how observing unrelated industries can help you break old patterns and come up with new ideas.

The chances of making accidental, unbelievable discoveries go up when you start looking for ideas outside your industry.

It is also one of the best ways to keep things exciting.

So, if fresh ideas are something that you struggle with, look outside your industry.

Have you ever made any breakthroughs or come up with new ideas by simply observing patterns outside your industry?



Nimish Jalan

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)