What is RSA Encryption???????!!!!!!!!!

nimuthu dulsana
4 min readOct 16, 2021


What is the RSA encryption???????

RSA(Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) is an asymmetric public-key encryption system. At present, we can see there are so many Crypto challenges related to RSA. RSA encryption is still one of the most popular asymmetric encryption algorithms. Basically for the encryption, it gets a public key and for the decryption, it gets the private one…

Asymmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption is younger than the symmetric encryption system. Also asymmetric encryption is more secure because the private key is not disclosed. There are several types of asymmetric encryption. RSA, DSA, and PKCS.

Asymmetric encryption


RSA is based on the prime numbers,coprimes,gcd(greatest common divisor),Eular’s totient function and the modular arithmatics. So, this needs bit of your mathematical knowledge. For solving problems related with this RSA you can use various programming languges. For an example python,c++……..In this I only use language python.

What is phi in RSA

phi or φ is related with Eular’s totient function also known as Eular’s phi function. I explain this with a simple example.

I take k in range 1≤ kn

then phi(n) is equal to the number elements which gcd(k,n)=1

So, phi(9) is equal to 6


Before we start identify these common letters those are mostly used in crypto challenges.

p = #a prime number

q =#also a prime number

qinv =#q**-1 mod p

dp =#d mod (p-1)

dq=#dmod (q-1)

n =#multiple of the p and q

phi =#simply it is (p-1)*(q-1)

c =#cipher text


e =#encryption key; GCD ( ϕ(n) , e ) = 1; 1 < e < ϕ(n)

d=#decryption key; inverse(e) % ϕ(n)

You can find more from Wikipedia….

Time to learn…..So RSA encryption is starting from two prime numbers in this example I’ll take p=7 and q=11.In reality these primes are too much higher values…

then,we can change n=77 and phi=60………….But!!! How we can get the encryption key (e)???????????

ok…To that You can generate a simple python code…

my code
after I run

So You can see now it creates a list of values for our encryption value (e)..

Now I select the e as 13 because I don’t need to complicate this……

Our updated information look like this…

p = 7

q =11

n = 77

phi = 60

e = 13

d= #Still we don’t know

code I use

find (d)

I take d =337

Ok now we generate two key pairs





CoppeRSA Lattice

You can see the challenge url above. In this session I solve this problem.


There are plenty of bits of randomness in the key. This has to be secure!

I am so confident, that I am sharing a snippet of my implementation:

import random
base = random.getrandbits(2048)
p = next_prime(base + random.getrandbits(256))
q = next_prime(base + random.getrandbits(256))
n = p * q
e = 65537
print("e = ", e)
print("n = ", n)
c = power_mod(m, e, n)
print("c = ", c)


e = 65537
n = 8281850967132278399574272688766937486036646313403007679588335903785669628431708760927341727806006769095252325575815709840401878674105658204057327337750902945521512357960818523078486774689928139816732080923197367563639383252762498921096166065153092144335239373370093976823925031794323976150363874930075228846801224430767428594024165529140949082062667410186456029480046489969338885725614510660737026927443934115006027747874368836800022473917576424175601374800697491622086825964475396316066082109998646438504664272000556702241576240616765962934452557847306066736505798267513078073147161755828577875047115978481485076227911405625234425533967247248864837854031634968764570599279385827285321806293661331225163255461894680337693227417748934924109356565823327149859245521513696171473417470936260563397398387972467438182651142096935931112668743912944902147582538985769095457203775208567489073198557073226907349118348902079942096374377432431441166710584381655348979330535397040250376989291669788189409825278457889980676574146044704329826483808929549888234303934178478274711686806257841293265249466735277673158607466360053037971774844824065612178793324128914371112619033111301900922374201703477207948412866443213080633623441392016518823291181
c = 6407923537926201847312357068295079879508779752068254604904486842729636773279241546432035102141932853761974844472828552921133743850412718722424893044377874567625621282274625365299685502104113862870672461666586814138206797733946319875258776059721304226419810313489197076949529322847815009706727586961448584443159011118432142946962961532154723891985416387650240762711716865116844837968079333914181751979527853152286708153252001832721723040664452442266930832118353632114958540067674924812749763008217133300059446967170825813909142247660230309955433005706793802514554628379255160648976960069078223370104177403453404917998945232459801324103878906593528309460372271638119657797804398399482025063414403804134607772871958848100256643503372624214762343403925077455660522664025602043433142314759978192969519687720668535544914589329155338178120703060384042066182354031274600184116143293639032906542194564776766076911767759167772137229504115598174156646085123675283692418970988032320780636742598466655712520383055569607154074137271584433653335176877094399371749081016317705026349554938167377640856287458145646649292278971980553895419112860061073864077521131958519819285117031990498977039003918710661660868949818362940359852436185282868088342132

To solve this we need p and q. We can find p and q by factorize n using factordb.com.



Then I create my own python code for find m(plaintext)…

My code

After run this you can get solution……………





Hope you enjoy this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Contact me through,

gmail — nimuthudusana@gmail.com

