5 Practices from Deep Work by Cal Newport That’ll Change Your Life

Nina Semczuk
7 min readDec 29, 2017
Deep Work by Cal Newport, published January 2016

Cal Newport might change your life.

In my case, he shifted how I should think about my career after I read So Good They Can’t Ignore You. I read the book while I was changing fields — leaving the Army to become a writer — after finding it on Derek Sivers’ book notes site. It was perfect timing.

I knew Deep Work would be just as good, if not better. And it was.

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My “to finish” roster has an avalanche of projects ranging from the artistic (screenplays, stage plays and personal essays) to the entrepreneurial (so. many. business. ideas!). I feel like I’m drowning under the things I want to do versus the time I have to do them. Not to mention, all the life-supporting drudgery that must get done like laundry, working, cleaning out the fridge, bathing and occasionally having a social life.

I knew I needed a system to get myself in the right state of mind to consistently create.

And, I needed a kick in the pants to keep my work train rolling. If I don’t get these occasional wakeup calls, it’s so easy for me to fall into the trap of reading about other writers and creators who are doing the thing I want to do, rather than just putting in the minutes and hours doing it…



Nina Semczuk

Writer & editor & SEO person. Find my work around the web & here: www.ninasemczuk.com. Hiker, outdoor yoga teacher, and lifelong library lover.