This Definition of Leadership is the Best I’ve Ever Read

Nina Semczuk
1 min readJul 27, 2017


Excerpted from ADRP 6–22 Army Leadership

After spending my college ROTC years learning every Army-approved definition of leadership, and subsequently putting those definitions to the test with five years of service, I believed I had completely exhausted the topic. I had read, heard, learned, experienced, or observed just about every different form leadership could take.

But then I cracked open Primary Greatness, by Stephen R. Covey. At the bottom of the very first page of the foreword, was Covey’s response to his son’s question of what a good definition of leadership was.

“Leadership is communicating to another person their worth and potential so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves.” — Stephen R. Covey

Simple, yet the perfect sentiment that captures the richness of what leadership should mean between two or more people. It puts hope and humanness back into the meaning, and I’m planning on adopting it as my own.



Nina Semczuk

Writer & editor & SEO person. Find my work around the web & here: Hiker, outdoor yoga teacher, and lifelong library lover.