How Does Auto Dialer Software Increase Calls?

Nina Tiwari
2 min readDec 31, 2018


An auto-dialer software is a computer program which automatically dials phone numbers. After a call has been attended, it provides two options either to connect the call to a person or to play a recorded message. In an auto dialer software, the automated playing of recorded messages is called robocalling or voice broadcasting.

A high standard auto dialer software imparts call center with the ability to increase the total volume of calls for your business. Predictive dialers is a kind of auto dialer which puts a successfully answered call to a calling agent. Predictive dialer uses real-time analysis to decide the calling numbers set as well as the optimal time for dialing several possible numbers simultaneously. It is also indicated as power dialers. But power dialers are the predefined set of phone numbers. The two of its essential features are answering machine detection and compliance.

Answering Machine Detection

The remarkable technology of an auto dialer features lies in its ability to successfully distinguish between human voice and answering machines. In order to do so, an auto dialer system requires to analyze the incoming audio sound.

Given an error margin to the pitfalls of technology, it is difficult that an auto dialer software algorithm is available that can offer 100% prediction accuracy, most of them offer a high level of accuracy to remain viable dialing options.

Call Pre-Qualification

The most important advantage of using an auto dialer software is pre-qualification of calls. In most of the cases, this is made possible by coupling auto dialer with an IVR (Interactive Voice Response). This way a client is taken through a number of prompts. These prompts help in deciding whether a caller qualifies for redirecting the call to a calling agent, or not.

Call prequalification enhances calling agent productivity by saving time invested in calling undesirable prospects. Beyond, it allows calling agents to focus entirely on prospective callers for making a sale. Therefore, it escalates the overall productivity of the organization.


Compliance with business laws imposed by local law authority is mandatory while using an auto dialer software. In order to legally continue the use of an autodialer, it is absolutely necessary to display drop call percentage, maintain and keep records and avoid calling prospective clients who have activated the Do Not Call(DNC) feature.

While using an auto dialer software, one doesn’t need to take care of all the calling legalities itself as it is flexible to modify.

Contaque calling software is unique with extensive features which suit every client need with efficient service. It has an amazing record with its customers throughout India.

