Bachelorette Parties Planning Ideas

Priyamvda Zena
8 min readJul 21, 2018


Innovative Bachelorette Party Planning Idea

Now-a-days as it is trending, the most exciting element about marrying of someone is the bride’s bachelorette party. Bachelor and bachelorette parties in general almost infamous for being really special, unique, exciting and possessing memorable moments to enjoy before the special day when the life will be changed completely. Even in third world countries we see the trend of girls seeking penis cakes in Gurgaon or like bachelorette party cake in Delhi, and so on. This trend is continuing.

Planning and execution of the bachelorette event plan both are very stressful parts of the party event, for which sometimes professional help is taken my many.

But it is not about to worry at all, we need to check out the tips which are here being collated for all do’s and don’ts so that everyone can plan their spinsters party or function accordingly always and make this day a wonderful memory lasting forever.

How to Make the Spinsters Party Exclusive with proper planning ?

Generally, as a matter of fact, this party belongs to the bride or bridegroom in question, so let’s decide firstly what she or he thinks according to their mindset, or wants regarding the party. After this the bride has to become formal and live formally so she may also hire male stripper organize a strip tease. Thus proper planning of this bachelorette party is necessary.

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You can ask certain questions from them so that it can be very clear would it be a casual evening or an exciting and crazy weekend, or to be celebrated during weekdays?

Any spa day type or will it be a fancy dinner type for the partying people who are to be invited?

Show attention to their preference also, let it not be conflicting with your expectations only.

Also, think about other elements of the party which are basic to it like drink, food, visual performances, games, etc.

Not to over the Lineup

Even it seems these days like bachelor or bachelorette parties are bulging with so many activities including the adult ones as well, but actually there is need to plan it with a set of stuff.

Enjoyment at a bachelorette party with bride and her ladies

Being altogether with the invitees and hangout should be the topmost priority as it is de-stressing and liberal type activity for the party group.

Also, remember that may need to move from store to store in search of the required items or you have to travel from place to place for that purpose, so be calm or relaxed, and do remember that things can take longer than expectations.

Keep Ready a Backup Bachelorette Party Plan

On another hand, if you’re sure that you are perfectly planned, the idea might not go perfectly somehow, so there is need to keep some alternatives in your mind, as prevention is better than cure for sure.

May someone’s flight get delayed unfortunately, might be the bride or the groom feels no longer happy with whatever you have decided on your own for them. Keep yourself calm and walk with the ongoing flow with your best possible attitude.

Keep the Budget to be Incurred in Mind

Many of us who intend to party may have seen the bachelor’s or bachelorette’s parties previous plans suffering from some sort of out-cash. If you somehow underestimate the cost without proper consideration to the requirements, possibly later the list of expenses needed to be incurred can get you in trouble.

So, set a budget beforehand and let everyone know about it fully, just to make sure that it is in the proper range. A person who knows about making good individual finances can make a good party withing budget.

Finances and money for Party celebrations

Everything is about general knowledge and getting benefited form it in life, but seldom people know even the concept of it.

Also, you may ask other people also if they can also contribute in sharing ideas.

Need to Seek Social Media related Permission

In the social media era of these times, hashtag is there for an outing, which is of course very good but may be that not everyone thinks it is appropriate. You need to talk about it with the bride or bridegroom, whether they are really cool with it and are they really going to allow it in their party.

Always be fully thoughtful about what is getting posted publicly in social media, appropriately keeping in mind reputation and comfort level of the bride-good and their close relatives.

Not to Stress about the List of Invitees

Try to avoid inviting those type of people who are not requested by the bride or bridegroom, also does not feel like it is mandatory to invite everyone at the party.

Close people only with those who are getting married can really make the environment fully comfortable, enjoyable and pleasantly memorable.

Seek Help whenever required

Once you are free with party guest list and budget preparations, may divide the work because more work and proper planning is require for making a great party for all and it becomes more special when it is about someone you really love in your life. Let other people handle what they are good handling.

You can surely take help from the afore-mentioned tips in order to execute an excellent and commanding party and fully enjoying it a lot without any troubles.

A bachelorette party going on with bride to be and girls

Everything about the Exotic Dance in Bachelorette Parties

For quiet sometime in human history, dance has been somewhat a perfect medium to convey yourself, mostly in the times of good.

There are various forms of dancing known to us such as contemporary dance, Indian classical, ballroom dance, hip-hop and so on and so forth, and out of all these so many. Any ways, if we take into consideration the most exotic dance types only then no doubt it is pole dancing perhaps in this age.

You may or may not believe but Pole dancing is still the best of all the answers when anyone talks about the modern trend of exotic dancing. Then comes the most of the latest ones which is lap dance.

An exotic dancer at exotic dance performance for ladies at a HEN Party

Species of humans and Exotic Dance

Dance has always been an important aspect of human life and attractive to them for ages and when it comes to the Exotic type of dance then things become much more interesting.

The exotic dance form is believed to show the most seductive side or aspect of the dancer and their skills to entire and arouse the spectators. Especially the men have been performing exotic dances for women like rope dance to express themselves for a very long time.

Better is done by men these days for girls and women while they perform for women in bachelorette or spinsters parties, all girls only birthday parties, HEN parties, girls night outs, kitty parties, etc.

You can find the proofs of exotic dance trend that was prevalent in history even in the Paleolithic Cave Paintings. Today it is a popular dance form round the globe, including the third world countries also like India and Pakistan and likewise.

It is celebrated as femdom or female domination and is known as a symbol of femininity or womanhood in many places. During these days exotic dance has become a completely distinct industry.

Exotic Dancing these days

With the lapse of time and modernization of humanity, the color and flavour of Exotic dance has also changed too much. Now-a-days, there are male rope or handkerchief dancers and female pole dancers who can set the stage of fire with their seductive dance moves.

Most of the people may relate Exotic dance with mere Nudity which is not anyhow true. It is more than that as we can see.

Exotic dance is the expression of sexuality of human and feminine or masculine charm depending upon the dancers talent and the beholder’s perspective.

People enjoy watching it a lot while enjoying their eatables like adult birthday cakes and so on.

Pole Dances form from Fitness perspective

You must be knowing that dancing is one the best exercises for the human body. As pole dancing is considered as an activity of sports too, you can actually be fully fit in shape, relaxed, strong, and healthy by doing this sort of dance.

Here are some type of good reasons by which you will get to know why pole dancing or its variants are an excellent workout also:

· While pole dancing, you need to lift your body upside with the power of your core muscles which get strained and balance yourself well on the dance pole. This is good for both mind and body which controls all these actions.

You can feel improvement in your core-strength at the centre of your body by properly practicing pole dancing, regularly.

· As the pole dance during performance needs a proper high core and upper -body part stamina, you can get an amazing type body shape if you practice this dance regularly on a daily basis.

· Unlike other workout methods made available easily at your disposal, with pole dancing type, you need nothing but only a pole for it.

Once you a comfortable working with the pole, you can practice this form of dance or dance variant at any time you want.

· As pole dancing form is a dance form after all, it is one of the top stress relievers for the dancer’s body and mind.

You can really enjoy your favorite song or music while dancing and burning calories, simultaneously.

· You can feel great fun or enjoyment while performing the pole dance which is very rarely possible in case of comparison with ordinary workout. As far as effectiveness of this dance type exercise is concerned, Pole Dancing is known to be a badass workout for human body. It covers all those required aspects which a perfect body workout should cover.


To conclude, pole dancing is not only a part of exotic dance type but also an amazingly beneficial workout for the human body. If you get a chance then you must learn and try to practice it for health related purposes in your benefit. While male strippers will always be ready at your party for strip tease which you may locate through their professional sites and male stripper social media accounts for the purpose.

Strip tease pleasing women at parties while dirty partying



Priyamvda Zena

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