The WordPress Theme Final Project

The WordPress Uh-Oh: How not to create a WordPress theme.

Nina Rachal
3 min readDec 13, 2023

Project Date: Fall 2023

For this project, my goal was to create a WordPress theme that helped the user keep track of what books were read, future books to read, and user comments. I wanted to gain more experience in WordPress while also attempting to use the new skills I learned throughout this semester.

I chose to make a theme in the book category because, when attempting to create a website with a similar idea last semester, I struggled with finding a theme with all the aspects I wanted. I wanted other users to find a template that suited all bookkeeping and book-tracking needs. If someone also wanted to create a website that was reaching for GoodReads but better, they would have a starting point.

My project first started with research on the best way to create a WordPress theme. After looking through a few articles, I eventually settled on an article on DreamHost to help guide me throughout making my theme. The steps were easy to follow and I also had a YouTube video prepared to help me if I got stuck. However, I failed to plan for my user error.

When going to install WordPress into my website, I noticed my previous WordPress projects had updates that needed to be installed. Completely forgetting about how my professor last semester specifically suggested that we do not update *everything*, I swiftly updated all of the WordPress updates for last semester’s project three and final project. When I next went to install WordPress again to start working on my theme, I received this error.

With a lot of confusion and some quick googling, I found that I had run out of disk space on my public HTML disk. I then realized that updating all of my WordPress updates might have had something to do with running out of space when my site was working fine before. a

After screen recording and deleting projects in an attempt to try and get space back, I eventually realized I could still create my theme using one of the previous WordPress sites I had created before.

Overall, I was able to create a theme in WordPress, however, it was not to the standard I wanted it to be. WordPress, for me, is a large hurdle that I have yet to overcome and I feel like I still have a lot left to learn about how it works. My final project did not turn out the way I wanted, and that was mostly because I spent a lot of my time worrying about whether or not I had enough space to install WordPress. I was successful in creating a theme, but I do not think I was successful in using the new techniques I learned this semester. This is not my best work and I think I need to take more time to learn WordPress and also get more comfortable with javascript and Vue so I can use them more effectively in the future.



Nina Rachal

An emerging media professional who has and is continuing to gain skills in web development, UX design, project management, and public relations.