On Conferences/Events about Africa(ns)

1 min readNov 27, 2019


It seems this has to still be said.

Stop 👏🏾 convening 👏🏾 deliberations about Africa 👏🏾 without 👏🏾 Africans!

This is a notorious behaviour in western capitals that HAS GOT TO END.

Why, in 2019, would anyone organise a whole event about a whole continent, a whole people (diverse as we are), and nary an African be speaking or invited to attend?

And it’s exclusion by design. Let’s count the ways:

🚮organised abroad (visas become an issue)

🚮many organised this time of year (December is loading, it’s our “summer”).

But at this point, a la hashtag#SayNoToManels, we must have a hashtag#SayNoToAfricaPanels if:

❌ no Africans are involved (in the design and even the discussions). Bodies in the room doesn’t cut it anymore.

❌obviously , if no African women are involved.

❌calling on you, a “non African” to speak to “African expertise”.

This nonsense must be left behind in 2019! Enough, of these flawed designs and their accompanying “justifications”; we aren’t having it anymore.

To recap:

⚠️ it shouldn’t happen if it’s not designed with, by Africans!

⚠️we are not mere subjects, and theatres for your experiments and saviourism.

Leave this bad form in 2019!

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(Tech x Public Policy)^ (Culture, Governance, Media, Gender). Thinking out loud, here and elsewhere.