Introducing ‘Genius Time’. A Manifesto.

Nina Rubesa
5 min readMay 1, 2020


This is for the Dreamers.

COVID-19 has hit the world hard. Here we were thinking that Trump, Brexit and Australia burning to the ground were as bad as it was gonna get. Guess we were wrong. We’re in the midst of a global crisis that’s seriously going to alter the way we function as a society. Our freedom has been stripped away from us as we sit in self isolation, faced with the limited choices we’re left with in terms of how we spend our time and once we do finally beat this thing, we’ll have a serious economic crisis to deal with. Great.

This entire situation has stirred a lot of panic. People don’t know where to turn to for correct information and it makes me wonder why the government or any of our leaders can’t find the decency to try and inspire their countries instead of fuelling their fear and anxiety.

Now, I’ve always been an optimist.

An idealist even — and so in these moments of uncertainty the way we frame our circumstances has a huge impact on the story we tell ourselves which in turn impacts our future experience.

With this in mind I’m rebranding ‘self isolation’ into ‘Genius Time’.

WTF is Genius Time?

In 1665 the University of Cambridge was temporarily closed due to the bubonic plague which forced people to work from home. One of these people was Isaac Newton who during his time in quarantine came up with the theory of gravity. Pretty genius.

“Genius Time is self isolation, rebranded.”

Genius Time is about acknowledging our greatness. For many this may not have been nurtured or encouraged by those around them but it’s time to stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to be the wonderful human you’re meant to be. Find out what matters to you and how you can make an impact in the world.

In all of our favourite films and novels we’re introduced to our hero during a moment of great change. Consider this yours. This very moment in history has all the ingredients to be. We learn the most about ourselves when we’re under pressure. The choices we make during conflict sculpt the person we’re becoming. Will you accept this quest? Many will shudder, but not you. It’s time to take responsibility. It’s time to nurture your inner genius. No more excuses.

Finding Our Leaders During A Global Crisis

Many people will hear about Genius Time and belittle it as a childish ideal:

“Look at what’s happening in the real world. People are dying!”

“It would be selfish to focus on ourselves right now.”

Wrong. It would be selfish not to.

During challenging times, we find out who our real friends are, what really matters to us, who we want to be in the world and most importantly we find out who our leaders are. We recognise them by their unique ability to — not despite adversity but in spite of it — stand up, speak up and courageously share their gift with the world. These are the people I want to listen to. This is the moment in history during which our leaders of tomorrow make themselves known or who ferociously prepare their game plan.

To many the word ‘leadership’ can be quite intimidating so I’d like to take a moment to set the record straight. Everyone has the ability to be a leader on some level. For some it’s running a billion dollar company that also provides education in under developed worlds or having a devoted following on Instagram you share wellness tips with, for others it’s raising their children to be confident adults. Being a leader is about standing up for a world you want to live in and about embracing your unique potential.

Even if there’s just one person out there who sees this and decides to pull their shit together and let this time in history mark the moment when they found the courage to build their dream, to explore a new idea, to educate themselves, to share an inspiring story — then that is enough for me. Because every dream matters. Every person who has the audacity and the courage to bring a new idea, a new way of being to life is who I’m ready to fight for. Because we need those people more than ever, and we need them now. So if they’re curled up in a ball somewhere, I hope you hear me, get up, and start building.

Confronting Your Potential Head On

It’s nice and safe hiding away in a world that’s not gonna call you out on your potential. Maybe you secretly like it this way and welcome any excuse that keeps you from doing that thing you say you want to do. This is a perfect set up because no one else cares enough to remind you of your capabilities. They’re too busy hiding their own potential. And society loves this because it keeps you from posing an actual threat to the rest of them. They can’t stomach the thought of a bunch of individualistic minds leading communities and rebellions.

They won’t call you out on it but I will. Because it’s important. And it’s not about awards or accolades or money. It’s about character development — about who you become on those quests. Because you owe it to yourself to live courageously in pursuit of something you envision. Who knows, you might actually make a real impact in someone’s life. We need to believe in ourselves enough to realise that we can make a difference in some way and that we don’t serve anyone by being silent.

“Oftentimes what keeps us from exploring our potential is fear of failure, of being wrong, of looking foolish. But this is the cost.”

The world post COVID-19 is going to offer lots of opportunity for change. Embrace Genius Time and explore what your version of the future looks like.

When you realise what you’re capable of, you’re gonna freak. Seriously. I don’t know if you’re ready for it. If I’m being honest, I don’t feel like I am. But perhaps no one ever really is.

The Call To Arms

“This is for the Dreamers. You know what you’re meant to do. You’ve always known. During this time of crisis we need you to believe in yourself. It’s time to stand up and fight for what you want to see in this world. It’s time to take the leap.”

To conclude, the call to action here requires a tremendous amount of courage and self belief, however, if you embrace Genius Time you could transform the trajectory of your life.

We’re collecting all the genius people come up with during this time to show we are part of a powerful force transforming this world, our world, for the better.

To take part use the hashtag #geniustime when sharing ideas, projects or anything that inspires you right now across social media.

I acknowledge this will not resonate with everyone in which case you just wasted some valuable time reading some bullshit on the internet again.

You just never learn, do you.

Take care and wash your hands. With soap.

For more follow Nina Rubesa on Twitter.



Nina Rubesa

Actor, Writer & Producer | Currently: Re-branding ‘Self Isolation’ into ‘Genius Time’ #geniustime